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Five Coding Activities to Do with Your Kid This Summer

Summer is perfect for playing at the pool, eating popsicles, and playing outside, but it’s also a great opportunity to engage kids with computer science concepts. We’ve compiled a few of our favorite computing activities that parents, teachers, camp counselors, and more can implement into the day. Not only are they super fun, but they teach kids important skills that could lead to future success once they’re back in the classroom this fall.


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The Importance of Robotics in Education

Educators on all levels — teachers, principals, and superintendents — know the value of learning science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) and focusing on technology in education.

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Robotics takes education technology to a new level, creating the next evolution in teaching. That’s because introducing robotics to schools means making STEM skills and knowledge hands-on and fun, to prepare students for the future in a way that feels more like creativity and less like homework.

Robotics requires all of the subjects of STEM, so it’s a well-rounded approach to educational technology and learning.

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Using the Outdoors to Teach STEM

An engaging activity encourages students to explore math in everyday spaces like parks and school campuses.


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Good News! DOBOT CR5, M1 and Magician Have Been Added to RoboDK library to do robot simulation!

We have a good news to share with you! DOBOT CR5, M1 and Magician have been added to RoboDK library for customers to do robot simulation. 


RoboDK Software makes it easy to stimulate and program industrial robots. With RoboDK you can simulate over 400 robots from 40 different robot manufacturers, and generate robot programs for any robot controller. RoboDK is a powerful and cost-effective simulator for industrial robot arms. 

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Incorporating Drones into STEM Education

Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) subjects are integral to our contemporary way of life. A significant amount of our day-to-day activities involve advanced technology to some degree. As a result, many of our industries have become reliant upon tech solutions, meaning that STEM-proficient workers are essential. 


STEM learning from an early age is vital to ensure that students are equipped to meet the needs of the world they’ll inherit. We now have some incredible, inexpensive tools at our disposal to keep students engaged and passionate about these subjects. Drones stand out as a fun and practical apparatus for class projects, experiments, and exploration.  

We’ll take a look at a few of the ways in which drone technology can be incorporated into STEM education. Beyond some of the seemingly obvious, we can use them intelligently to enhance learning, engage passions, and demonstrate STEM as a force for good in the world.

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Connecting Lessons to the Pandemic

Incorporating the coronavirus crisis in course content can leverage students’ curiosity while showing them the real-world applicability of what they’re learning.


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6 Ways to Incorporate Coding into Your Classroom

From visual coding to coding languages to programming hardware, coding is an everyday skill whose relevance for future jobs make it just as essential for students to learn as composition and algebra.


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Covid-19: Will Blended Learning Become the Future of Education?

With a global health crisis going on, it is only natural to be focused on the present, but as the world begins to feel the beneficial effects of the emergency measures against COVID-19, it is time to look to the future.

What will we have learnt from the pandemic when all is said and done? Will school ever be the same again now that this prolonged period of forced closure has pushed educators all around the world towards a more extensive use of technology to grant their students continuity in the face of adverse circumstances?


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Math in The Great Outdoors

There are many ways to teach and to learn, and one method that many schools are adopting is learning in nature. There is significant evidence that children benefit from learning new skills in the outdoors for many reasons. Many children are averse to learning math in the classroom because they feel they aren’t good at it or they don’t understand the concepts from methods used in class.

Math Nature

Taking the class outside is a great way to enhance learning math skills, and here are a few reasons why:

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6 Tools to Manage Remote Learning

Given that social distancing is in effect due to the COVID-19 situation, exploring remote learning management systems (LMS) for your child is a great idea. Likewise, teachers and school administrators looking for ways to alleviate the situation and enhance their K-12 and academic students’ experience can take advantage of LMS.


According to Tech Jury, 43% of US college students found digital study technologies extremely helpful for doing home-based projects. In addition, 81% of students have agreed that digital learning was helpful in improving their overall grades, further adding to the positive effects of LMS. That being said, what are some of the top-performing, high-quality and affordable LMS solutions for your students in 2020?

By Daniela McVicker

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