I have a warning about motors not updated. It says: “Warning: the motors are not updated, the robot will not move”.
What should I do? How can I update the motors?
Many NAO users are asking about this Warning. It is not a problem, it is a feature! I know, it’s red and it says warning, pretty scary. It is usually associated with a problem, not this time.
What it means is simply that the motors of the 3D representation of your NAO on Choregraphe are not updated and in sync with movements. The result is, your 3D represented robot won’t move even if you create a program to make your robot move.
This happens because you selected that option, or the option was selected by default. You can see that with the following button being selected.
Just unselect the button by clicking on it and the warning will disappear.
That's it you can now make your robot move as much as you'd like !