• LittleBits can fall off of desks and tables, and often end up getting stepped on.
Using cafeteria trays when students are working with the Little-Bits can help with this problem.
• Allow students to bring in their own materials, such as LEGO or K’Nex, for their projects.
Potential Solutions to Try:
Potential Solutions to Try:
Potential Solutions to Try:
If your Little-Bits motors are running slowly, or one of the motors lags behind, here are some things you should try:
Potential Solutions to Try:
Keeping Your Bits Organized
As we work with our new products, it’s not uncommon for us to find small bugs and issues that we don’t see documented elsewhere on the internet. When that happens, we work hard to find a solution or workaround, and post it to this blog!
The Dobot uses a suction cup attached to an air pump to create a vacuum seal on objects you want to grab, and releases that seal when it’s time to drop the object.
This is the strangest and most elusive problem we have encountered. I suspect it occurs when the Dobot attachment has recently been switched from the gripper to the suction cup. The gripper uses the air pump to both open and close, using both positive and negative air pressure. The suction cup only uses negative air pressure (or none at all).
If you’re unable to find an answer on our website, fill out the form below to start a ticket. We normally aim to respond to all emails within a few days.
Our support engineers are standing by to help.
+1 (415) 702-3033