Mobile and programmable kit for developers
3D Laser Range Finder
Computer Science
1 NAO Robot V5 Evolution, 1 Battery, 1 Charger, 2 years of warranty, 1 mini BMW Z4 Electric Car, 1 Laser Range Finder, 1 Arduino-based motor
Mobile robot
1 robot per 10 student
Universities, Individual
Graduate Students
Video Processing, SLAM
No training required
2-year warranty
Program NAO with a comprehensive SDK or Choregraphe, a visual drag-and-drop programming interface. The SDK supports C++, Java, Python, C# .Net and Matlab. You can integrate the NAO apps with any IDE (Integrated Development Interface) such as Eclipse, Visual Studio or Vim.
Bring your craziest ideas to life, send your robot to do things for you, connect him to the internet and share his adventures with the world, create robot-apps and publish them on the NAO app store. There's no limit to what you can do with that.
The car is controlled by the NAO, a Laser Range Finder under the car will help you avoid obstacles, and implement SLAM algorithms for learning and mapping of the environment around the robot.
Price: $4,990
Price: $4,990