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RobotLAB Blog

Everything You Need To Know About Robotics in Businesses


DALLAS (June 4, 2024) RobotLAB, an award-winning robotics integrator that delivers impactful business innovations and solutions for companies across many industries, is proud to debut a pair of automated systems to transform robotics integration in restaurants: Robot on Call and ServeSwift. Developed by RobotLAB’s team of pioneering roboticists, Robot on Call is a first-of-its-kind, fully automated, robot-compatible smartwatch that allows servers and bussers to remotely summon robots to any destination in the restaurant. ServeSwift is an accompanying system that gives guests the ability to assign robots to their table via a QR code for simplified routing, bussing and meal delivery. Whether integrated together or individually, RobotLAB’s new Robot on Call and ServeSwift systems have been thoughtfully designed to improve efficiencies and streamline operations at restaurants.

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Unveiling the Future of Dining: RobotLAB's Recap of the Bar and Restaurant Expo 2024


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At RobotLAB, we believe in the perfect blend of good food and good tech, and the Bar and Restaurant Expo was the ideal stage to showcase just that. From Alaskan Leader Seafood's amazing cod to innovative tech like Go Tab's voice-activated POS system and Guitar Center AV Solutions' flashy DJ stand, the expo was a hub of inspiration and innovation for restaurant operators.

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How to identify the right robotics partner for your business?

Choosing the best robotics integrator company to work with depends on various factors that are unique to your restaurant and the task at hand. Here are some general tips to help you make an informed decision:

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Pudu Robotics Expands Scenarios with Proprietary Upgraded PUDU VSLAM+

Pudu Robotics to Expand Service Scenarios with Its Proprietary Upgraded PUDU VSLAM+

SHENZHEN, China, March 31, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Pudu Robotics, the global leader in commercial service robot manufacturing, has announced that it will leverage the power of its proprietary upgraded PUDU VSLAM+ technology to expand the service scenarios of commercial service robots.

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La DUNI Latin Cafe, A Delivery Robots Implementation Use Case

Espartaco Borga

Taco Borga, a restauranteur who’s been at the forefront of implementing technology solutions in the hospitality industry since 1980, discussed how robotic solutions have successfully transformed his business. From solving staffing issues, to reducing waste and spillage, to increasing efficiency, using robots has helped Borga create a better, more profitable restaurant. Here’s how. 

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Kura Sushi is implementing robots to help the workload of front-of-house staff members.

Robots-KettybotThe chain experienced double-digit same-store sales growth in its fiscal second quarter. The chain earned $31.3 million in total sales, versus $9.1 million last year. Compared to 2020, same-store sales were up 11.3 percent, behind strong performances in December (+14.5 percent) and February (+14 percent).

Looking at 2021, comps grew 183 percent. In California alone, same-store sales lifted almost 400 percent year-over-year. CEO Hajime “Jimmy” Uba credited the strong showing to ongoing recovery efforts related to the pandemic. Fewer dining restrictions and better staffing in states like California have allowed the company to flourish.

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Why Implementing Delivery Robots Can Boost Your Restaurant Efficiency

By Shannon Flynn

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Technology innovations are dramatically changing how the world works. Robots and other automated machines are opening countless possibilities that seemed impossible before. These new robot innovations are having a huge impact on a variety of different industries, from healthcare using them to improve practices to the automotive sector developing driverless cars. Since automated machines are becoming more popular, companies are investing more time and money into developing this new technology to stay ahead of the game.

Recently, the foodservice industry has seen a spike in automated machinery as well. These new automated trends are allowing the food and beverage industry to save money, make fewer mistakes, and reduce food waste.

Continue reading to learn more about how robots are benefiting the restaurant industry and what new technology advancements you could see in the future.

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How Automation in the Restaurant Industry Is Helping Companies Grow

By Shannon Flynn

Bella bot

Automation in the restaurant industry has become a growing trend. From Sally, the salad-making robot, to Flippy the burger and fry cook, AI is taking the restaurant industry by storm. Why? Because despite the sizable investment in these machines, they are helping restaurants grow and become more profitable.

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This robot is a server at IHOP in Fresno County!

Robot joins the staff at Clovis IHOP - NewsBreakBy

CLOVIS, Calif. (KSEE/KGPE) – A robot is waiting tables at an IHOP in Clovis, helping reduce the workload for the restaurant’s human staff members.

The robot, colored in IHOP blue and white, takes food and drinks to customers at the iHOP at Sierra Vista Mall. Manager Maria Cantoriano says the robot helps keep the business running while they work to hire 15 more people.

“[The staff] like it,” said Cantoriano “It does really help because sometimes when they’re really really busy and they’re trying to get all the food out at one time sometimes it does need a couple of extra hands.”

Discover more about Delivery Robots with Restaurant Robots!

Learn how robots can improve your bottom line, customer satisfaction and push you above the competition. Bring Automation, Business Efficiency, And Real Value To Your Customers!

Restaurant-robotsRestaurant Robots-Logo

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How Robots and AI Are Transforming the Food Industry

By  Lisa Rabasca Roepe

naseem-buras-_gR_xZU2KcY-unsplashPhoto by Naseem Buras on Unsplash

Did you know that robots have a role in every step of the food supply chain from agriculture to manufacturing to packaging and delivery? Read how emerging technologies like robotics and artificial intelligence are fueling the food industry.

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