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[WEBINAR] Automate your research with an Autonomous Ground Vehicle!

RobotLAB Summer Webinar designs-AgileX-zoomCreate a custom solution for your automation needs using an Autonomous Ground Vehicle!


Video transcript below.

Peter Bowman:

All right. Hello, everybody. Thank you so much for your patience here. It's a pleasure to be joined by everybody. Today, we are kicking off the Robot Lab summer webinar series. And this is going to be the Automate your Research Webinar featuring Robot Lab and Agile X. I'm just going to take a moment here to share my screen with you so that you can see our presentation today. All right. Yes, again, thank you so much for everybody for joining. What I'm going to go ahead and do is start off by going over today's agenda. Today, we're going to be doing an introduction to not only robot lab, but also our newly emphasized vertical, higher education. And that's what everybody is here for today. Right? We're also going to be going over ways that AGVs are used to automate different processes.

We spent a day in San Francisco with the Agile X Scout Mini, which I think is everybody will be very excited to see. And we're going to also have a discussion on why we chose Agile X as our preferred partner for AGVs, and their available options. And at the end, we will be doing a Q & A session with you all; so if you guys have any questions about maybe your use case, and how you hope to use an AGV, for your research, or in any type of scenario, we'll be able to go over all of those with you if you have questions about pricing, if you have software questions, we will be covering all of that during today's session. I'm your host, Peter Bowman, and I'm actually your Higher Ed account manager, and to my right, I have Cedric ; he's the Vice President of Sales here at robot lab, and somebody who I've had the opportunity to work with for a few years now.

Cedric :

Thank you Peter, and welcome everyone. And it's a pleasure to have you here today attending this session. So again, thanks everyone for your time, we really appreciate it, and I am going to talk a little bit about us; about robot lab. So as Peter was mentioning, I'm the Vice President of Sales here at robot labs; so I lead all the sales operations globally. I've been working in robotics for almost 17 years now. Started back in France, Paris, where I'm originally from, if you wonder where my accent is coming from, and I moved 12 years ago to the US. So I have worked sometimes with Robot Lab; it has been I believe, nine years now. So the company itself was founded in 2011. So it's been a little while; historically, Robert lab has been partnering and working mostly with universities, and research labs nationwide. And this is you know, everything started at robot lab, we started to build partnership, and worked on projects with some universities on the East Coast, in developing solutions, in many different applications around use cases. And we are headquartered in San Francisco, which is, by the way, where we're at currently, Peter and I; we are expanding so we opened also an office in Texas, that was few months ago. And we are looking at opening maybe more branches in the near future. So that's very exciting.

The main reason why we are you know, opening new offices is because we believe that you know, proximity is very important for our community. And as we are expanding our activities in the US but also overseas. You know, universities we are partnering with also expect us to provide you know, local supports and these type of services. So as an example, we are working right now on building a partnership, very important partnership with the University in Egypt, and for this specific reason, it is important for us to be able to have a team over there in the region to be able to support them and many other clients. We are right now leading the market in the integration of educational technology; so as I was mentioning, we started working with universities and research labs and as we became more successful, we also started to create programs for low grade students. And this is when we started also to work with districts, schools, I mean public schools, private schools in the US and overseas to really create innovative and immersive learning experiences for the students with the same objective; which is to keep our students engaged and carrier ready for, you know, the upcoming decades.

So we have right now, I think it's more than 3000, I will say probably 35,000 schools and universities working with Robot Lab; and again, it's not only robotics, as a matter of fact, we are presenting I will say, three main verticals. Number one is obviously robots, thus the name, but we are also very presence in the maker space industry, as well as virtual reality. And our work at Robot Lab again is always to think about educators and think about students. So it's not really, you know, offering the new coolest toy available. But it's really for us to bring to the table a turnkey solution to help educators teach and students to learn. And so what that means is, a solution for us is basically including, obviously, the hardware, but also the proper software, it can be a, you know, an SDK, can be, you know, a user friendly interface to introduce students to programming, it can be really any tools that students will need to learn about the platform. But first and foremost, it will be the curriculum. And this is what we've been doing for more than a decade now Robot Lab; it’s building content, for the teachers that are sometimes struggling, once you buy a piece of equipment, you're wondering how I'm going to be able to use it, How I'm gonna be able to teach with it, and this is really where Robot Lab can help you with, you know, providing you the right tools to make this equipment useful in your lab or in your classroom.

So that's, that's a bit about Robot Lab. I see here that, you know, there is a motion about four hearts, fine. This is one of our partner, but there are many others, including Agile X, which will be the focus of the day. So as I was mentioning, we are present in many different verticals at Robot Lab, VR, makerspace, robotics, covered up by the biggest topic; that is AI in general, which is the reason why Robot Lab is getting more and more famous in not only providing a solution, but also creating an entire learning experience, and we call it the AI Lab, which essentially is for us at Robot Lab; it is to basically create from scratch the entire lab for a university for research center. So basically, you know, the typical case is the university will contact us and say, “Hey guys, I have a new program I want to teach; a new way to teach AI or coding”. And so the first question we're going to ask obviously, is going to have space for that. But once we get the space, and we basically have four walls available, we'll be able to work with architects that, you know, we have in our team to basically design from scratch an entire lab that is innovative, and that is really, you know, designed to facilitate the learning process for the students. So an AI Lab, typically at Robot Labis a set of different stations. And each station will basically focus on a particular area for curriculum that we have at Robot Lab. So it can be humanoid robotics, it can be smart transportation, it can be industrial point zero, and each station will basically accommodate a certain number of students that will be able to rotate between stations, to be able to tackle every angle, and every area of our curriculum. We’ll come on site, we’ll do all the installation, teaching the educators and once we leave, you have a turnkey lab basically, that you can start using to welcome your students.

So the reason why I'm mentioning that is because you know, it's the trend right now; we have more and more universities are excited about this new offering. Just because it can be very overwhelming for educators to build a lab from scratch, you know, which equipment should I be using? Well, from our expertise, we are here to basically select the best of breed technology available out there. And then how am I gonna go to use it in my lab, how I'm gonna go to teach with it? Well, again, we have at Robot Lab developed a methodology and the tools to help you teach with this equipment.

Cedric :

And one of the stations that we have in our lab is called smart transportation, and one type of equipment that we are offering our users is essentially focusing on AGVs. So as you might know, AGVs are now very popular; I did a really little research yesterday online, and I realized I didn't know that AGVs the first AGV was actually built back in the 50s, sort of more than 70 years ago; so that's a long time ago. And essentially what it was it was, the first automated guided vehicle, there was a little more than an improved degreed like tow truck, that could navigate by following a track of wires embedded in the factory floor, that basically was generating a magnetic field. And I think it's very exciting to see that, you know, this, obviously, this technology is not new. It's been available for four decades now. But finally, we are seeing like, you know, AGVs being used in now many different industries, and that's no secret for you guys.

So obviously, for military purposes, but also for, you know, farming or you create smart farming, where AGVs will be programed and taught to pick autonomously like crop, being used for spraying fertilizer and pesticides, and will also be used to test the soil. So there are a lot of projects going on right now using AGVs for farming. Obviously, that's no secret to you that AGVs are being used for decades now in warehouses, and AGVs are here to help optimize the workflow process in warehouses, and basically make, you know, human workers more efficient. AGVs are being used also in the construction industry, again, to make the construction process more efficient, optimize the workflows, etc. And another example will be in the obviously, transportation, where we are now seeing AGVs pretty much everywhere, from autonomous buses to autonomous cars; some of you might be owning a Tesla car, for example. So this is becoming like mainstream. And there are you know, different reasons for that, several advantages that AGVs can offer to the public. And number one is basically reducing the labor costs, this is pretty much obvious.

And the most obvious cost saving that comes from implementing automated guided vehicles is the reduction in labor costs, because you're either replacing an existing employee or forgoing a new hire. So that's number one, finding employees also and training them and retaining them is a big challenge for many industries, especially right now post-COVID, with the struggle that we have with Labor shortage. So employees expect also the compensation to grow within time because of the experience, level and time with the company. So by replacing basically personnel with AGVs, you remove these growths in labor expenses, and for private companies means basically bigger RI. So that's pretty straightforward. The second bullet point about you know why using AGVs is essentially eliminating possibilities of damages, and accidents that can occur. People make mistake, you know, we're all human, they get tired, they have fatigue, they can be distracted. So sometimes they don't see an obstacle, and they will run you know, with the focus all into war, or, you know, a shell with products, so accidents and mistakes happen but ultimately cost companies money by damaging a product that can no longer be sold, obviously, and by damaging equipment or structures that, you know, need to be replaced. That means basically that it's very painful for a company; the bottom line. So the use of AGVs also reduced substantially this human factor by, you know, damaging products. So that's one thing, but also the risk of accidents, and consequent injuries for humans; so that's also something that I think is very important to consider.

And obviously the third and last thing about AGVs that also is common sense, but is I think important to remember is that increasing efficiency, and it's not only about AGVs it's, you know, robotics in general, we're looking at increasing efficiency and overall processes. So obviously robots and AGVs can be faster in the entire workflow. They are more systematic; they make less mistakes; we just talked about it; they can carry larger payloads than humans, obviously. So in a way, they are also more efficient again, and they are tireless. So with the possibility to scale with no limits, and adding also full visibility on the performance of let's say, a fleet of AGV system that you can deploy, it is pretty obvious that AGVs are the future, and we are going to see even more AGVs being used in all the industries, including space exploration with SpaceX, for example. So just to conclude on this slide, our role at Robot Labis really to help universities make their students are career-ready by selecting the best technology currently available out there for education and research. AGV, for us is a big focus and a big priority. And this is the reason why we have decided to partner with a company and it's been more than a year and a half. And we're gonna have Peter talking about it in a second.

Peter Bowman:

Thank you so much for that introduction to AGVs Cedric, it was very informative. But as Cedric mentioned, here at robot lab, one of the biggest advantages of working with us is that we're platform agnostic, right? We're not a manufacturer of a specific product that's going to slam that one thing down your throat, right? We're going to listen to you, we're going to hear what it is that you want to do with your time. And we're going to provide a solution for you to again, make it the best, most effective product possible for you. Right? And with that being said, we do have a preferred partner for our AGV solution, and that preferred partner is Agile X. And you know, as Cedric mentioned, we've been partnering with them for about a year and a half now.

However, Agile X has been around for much longer than that they were founded in 2016 interesting little tidbit is that they were actually originally going to produce robots to park cars, right. And they've since evolved from that to produce the largest producer of autonomous ground vehicles for research and for universities. And this is why we decided to partner with them, they are the biggest, they know what they're doing, and they're very, very good at it, right? They also have a large ecosystem, so they don't have just one product, no matter what your use case is, we have a solution for you, and so does Agile X. So you know, there, there's many different products with the line, if you want to, you know, have like a real world use case scenario, then there's a variety of different chassis that are available, and we'll go into that in a second.

But they even give you a starting point, right? So if you're, you know, if you're teaching an undergrad class about slam systems, or LiDAR, computer vision, and any of this type of thing, then you will also have a product called the Agile X Lemo. The Agile X Lemo is an all in one solution, it has a very low point of entry, which is what makes it so popular right now.

Cedric :

Isn't it the one at the bottom right here?

Peter Bowman:

It is yeah, so this is gonna be your option here at the bottom right, it has a screen on board for onboard debugging. You can see at the front there that as the built-in vision system, and you also have the ability to get a simulation table with that it's very highly recommended. And you know, this is kind of your introduction to the autonomous ground vehicle landscape. And then you step up right, to products like the bunker, which we joke around here almost looks like a tank right with that tracked wheel system. The cool thing about the bunker is it's also going to be have that IP rating for water and dust resistance, so that you can make it go through you know, a body of water, or if you have an environment like a farm that might be particularly dusty, then the bunker is very, you know, popular in this type of scenario.

However, obviously, the bunker is going to be very, very aggressive, right? Maybe you have more of an indoor environment like a smart warehouse, we also have a solution for this type of environment as well in the tracer, right? You're not going to put the tracer on a farm, but it's very optimal for that warehouse type of environment. One thing to know with all of these products and again, we're gonna go into more about this in just one moment. But, you know, it's really meant to be a platform that's customizable for your needs, right? So it's a shell, and you get to build on top of that shell however you want. Another really cool thing that Agile X offers is, they partner with gazebo, so that you can actually simulate your use case and build out what it is that you want to do with these different autonomous ground vehicles. And you can test out different chassis before you buy, right? So this is invaluable. So that way, you know, you don't see the Ranger mini on a website and then spend, you know, X amount of money into thinking that this is the right platform for you, but then you receive it and you discover that it isn't really exactly what you thought that you were getting, okay. This is why that gazebo compatibility is so important.

As I said, it is a completely open source. So you have the ability to add payload to it, whether that be LiDAR sensors, vision systems, manipulators, etc. These are all things that you can add on to every single platform that Agile X offers obviously, except for the Lemo. Agile X is also going to have top of the line hardware. There is no other manufacturer of autonomous ground vehicles out there that are designed for research and development. And they're going to have more sturdy, or, you know, more reliable hardware than Agile X, and that's another very important component of why we chose to work with them. Now I'm going to go in a little bit more detail about each one of the individual products.

Cedric :

And then, sorry to interrupt you Peter, but one thing that I just realized is that, it can be a little bit challenging to understand the dimensions of the platform that we're talking about. If you look at the picture that we just share with you. There is not a; you know, it's tricky, it's hard to understand how big it is. And I can tell you that, for example, we have a bunker, in the other one where there is this thing is huge. So and I think that in the next day, you will see here, yeah, you have actually the line showing the size of each product, each model. Some of them are pretty big. So that yeah.

Peter Bowman:

We actually had a colleague here at the office, physically right on top of the bunker. So it's able to support an adult human, right? So as Cedric said, it's really a beast, and it's a tool, specifically with the bunker, which I guess we'll go ahead and start with, since we're talking about it, right? That is invaluable to the people that are using it. And so but that's just, that's just one use case, right? So maybe the bunker isn't the right model for you, you don't need that beast of a product. Maybe you need again, something that's a little bit smaller, more compact, and able to move within tighter spaces, like the tracer.

The tracer is actually a product that's been implemented in multiple universities for kind of that smart warehouse designs scenario. And, you know, we've attached things like LiDAR, on there, manipulators, et cetera, for it to be able to, you know, automate certain tasks, right? And this automation, it's not all about replacing people, it's about assisting people, right? Maybe you have a worker that works at Amazon, for example. And you know, 100 times a day, they have to get up, pick up a box, carry it back to their station, and sort through that box. And now 10 minutes later, they're getting back up, they're getting another box bringing a box over their station, it's just very, very repetitive, right.

But if you have a product like the tracer that's able to move boxes from one point to another in an automated type of process, then this is just something that makes their job easier and more efficient. It's less strain on their bodies from the constant up and down, up and down, right? Of going back and forth. And obviously it saves, it saves time as well. But again, we have something for every use case, we talked a lot about the bunker and that's, that's the track steering system. It does have a zero turn radius, which is awesome. And it's also something that's unique for that for that style of chassis.

Then we also have in an Ackermann steering system with the hunter 2.0 and the Hunter SE. Ackermann steering; some of you may know what that is, some of you may not, but essentially the way you should think of that is like it, it's yours like your car. Right? And that certainly has its own use cases, one of my favorite products and I think one of the more interesting chassis that are available here is the Ranger. Currently we have the Ranger Mini, and the Ranger many it offers omnidirectional steering, allowing it to really easily navigate in very tight spaces, right? This is also going to have an IP 22 rating for water and dust resistance. So you may not want to drive this thing through a river, for example. But you can certainly, you know, maybe there's a light mist or something and the Ranger Mini is can certainly handle that.

Then we have the all-wheel drive offering of the Scout 2.0 and the scout Mini. Now with the all-wheel drive steering, this is something that we're gonna go a little bit more into in just one second. Again, the scout Mini is the chassis that we use for our demonstration purposes. And with the scout Mini, we actually have the R & D kit Pro. The R & D kit Pro includes a slam package offers path planning, perception and obstacle avoidance, it will localize and navigate, right? And then also offers visual recognition; so it'll move around obstacles, and offers secondary rapid development. So if you want to, for example, add a manipulator or some type of environmental sensor or anything else to that chassis, then that's something that can be integrated within that R & D kit Pro. Okay?

However, all what you see here with the cobalt kit, autopilot kit, R & D kit, etc. Right? These are all kits that are all compatible with any of the chassis. You know, again, these products that we're talking about, they're just a shell, and it's up to you to customize that use case, and tell us how you want to use it, and we will be able to guide you in the best, most effective way to execute that use case. Okay.

Next, we have a video here that I'll show you with our, our solutions engineer Mitchell. And then myself, we went over to San Francisco and you see the Bay Bridge here in the background. That's the San Francisco Bay. And we're going to show you a little bit about what the scout Mini and the R & D kit Pro can do. And here we go.

Peter Bowman:

Hi, my name is Peter Bowman. I'm your Higher Ed account manager. With me today. I have Mitchell Bergman.

Mitchell Bergman:

Hey there. I'm your solutions engineer at robot lab. And today we're coming to you live on a beautiful day in San Francisco.

Peter Bowman:

We're going to be showing you one of our autonomous grounded vehicles, the Agile X Scout Mini with the R & D kit Pro.

Mitchell Bergman:

So what we have here is the Agile X Scout mini chassis with the R & D kit pro consisting of a vision system using the Intel real sense camera. The velodyne LIDAR sensor comes with a 5g wireless router and is running on the NVIDIA Jetson nano CPU. The system comes with a remote control, but the vision system allows it to autonomously navigate.

Peter Bowman:

And what you see here is the scout mini navigating autonomously, I wanted to show you that zero turn radius that the scout mini offers with the all-wheel drives theory. And then also that it can handle more of a wide turn if that's what you wanted to do. And then also come to a complete stop here.

Right? So this is all something that you can program on your own. There we go. And you know that the user interface is very straightforward and easy to use. However, if you have any questions throughout the process, then you have the experts here at Robot Lab to guide you through that. Okay? But of making the any chassis that you choose, I'm gonna refer to the scout mini here, making the scout mini navigate autonomously is done within just three easy steps. First, you create a map; there is a remote control that comes with the car. So with that LiDAR, you'll move the chassis around your environment and map it out. The map that you see here on the left hand side is actually our office here at Robot Lab. But after your map is created, and you have saved it, then you simply create your waypoints and tell the chassis where it is that you want to go, and how quickly you want it to move. And then you simply hit start. And then there you have it. It's it really is that simple. And you have your beginnings of a use case. Right? And that is, that is our presentation today about Agile X and autonomous ground vehicles. Now, I'd really like to open it up to some Q & A, if any of you out in the audience have any questions now would be the time. And Cedric and I will be responding to those questions. On the mouse here, there we go.


Yes, guys are two open questions. If you can go to the Q & A, then you can.

Peter Bowman:

And I apologize for being so rude everybody. For not introducing our friend Maria here. Maria is actually joining us from Bogota, Colombia, and she is assisting us today. So thank you so much, Maria, for all of your help, we really appreciate it. And she has been talking with people on the chat both leading up and then during, I understand that we have two questions here. And let's see, it says, “how do you promote robotics in education in schools?” Well, there's a ton of ways that we can promote, you know, robotics education in schools, but Cedric, would you like to talk about a few of those ways?

Cedric :

Yeah, I mean, it's a very, very broad question. But thank you for asking. Promoting robotics education in schools are really; I think, the way to do it is through engaging students with new programs. And that's essentially what we're doing at Robot Lab. So that's something that I was mentioning at the beginning. The key factor to engage students is really to create a cool learning experience. And this is not only about the equipment that you'll be using, because as you know, especially nowadays, when there is a new toy, a new gadget being released every other day, students can get bored pretty easily, with everything that you'll be implementing, even if it's the coolest thing on the planet, at least this week.

So what matters really is the content creation on the curriculum sites. And for us, it is really key to create lessons, lesson plans and activities that are engaging, and that facilitate, you know, the learning experience which ends on activities, which is the reason why, again, we're using robots, the curriculum that we've created, obviously, cover subjects such as coding and robotics, but not only, we have a lot of lessons around STEM and math, and science. And robots are actually a great way to introduce viewers to a subject that can sometimes really be abstract.

And the use of robots and Amazon will help us bridge this gap between, you know, abstract concept into, you know, real life experiences. One example that I always share is, you know, about quadratic equations. You know, that can be very abstract. And the first question I will ask, and I remember; I thought about this when I was younger is, why would I even need to learn this? When I'm going to use it in my life? I mean, I don't care. So why should I learn it? So level of engagement zero.

But if you put in a specific context of the use of quadratic equations, which is in the Robotech curriculum, the use of a small humanity robots that will be programmed to kick a ball, play soccer; kick a ball and score by using quadratic equations, then it becomes more interesting because a lot of kids love sport, they love soccer, and they want to be able to control the robot to have the robot score. So that's a different story. And then yes, I want to know, what are the equations because it's cool, because it's fun, and I understand how it can be used. So I think really, the focus on the curriculum part is key, and to answer Sergiev, “will you provide curriculum?” So yes, our mission here is to provide the curriculum, the curriculum is not free. We have basically, you know, depending on what you're basically purchasing from us, if it's an equipment like an Agile X platform, or if it's a lab, you know, depending on the type of equipment that you will be acquiring, will be able to support your initiative.

Peter Bowman:

And then I would like to take this other question we have here it says, “do you have any plan for African schools?” The answer is yes, absolutely. As Cedric mentioned, we've just formed a strong partnership with a university in Egypt. And we will, and probably queue one of next year, we will start building out in a full AI Lab, it will be state of the art. And, you know, something that will certainly be unique to the region and something that we're very excited about a building.

We've actually; Cedric personally visited to Egypt, and went there to sign a partnership agreement where we will be the exclusive provider of technology for the university. And you know, this isn't our first client in Africa, either. Many other educational institutions have reached out and purchased different equipment from us that we've provided. And we continue to support those customers today. I would love to talk specifically about AGVs. If anybody has any questions about their use case, or, you know, something that they may want to do with an AGV, we can address all those questions now.

Cedric :

Give you a couple of minutes, if you want to type something down. We have a new question here in the chat box. We have a; it that a comment?

Peter Bowman:

It's yeah, my friend, Osama. He's basically just letting everybody know about our project. He is from the Arab Academy of Science, Technology and maritime transport. He has joined the webinar today. And yes, Osama, thank you so much for the amazing compliment. It's definitely been a joy to work with you personally on this project. And again, we always appreciate the compliment. Thank you so much for attending today.

Cedric :

Thank you Osama. We'll give you a couple of more minutes before we end the session. If you guys have any questions about Agile X, you know, or Robot Lab in general, feel free to shoot your questions in the chat.

Peter Bowman:

Absolutely. And I would just like to say as well, you know, this is a this is something that has been a huge initiative of mine, getting the latest and greatest technology out to our partners in higher education through these webinars. And part of that initiative has been the creation of the Robot Lab summer webinar series, I hope to make this an annual thing from here on out. But for this year, currently, we have four webinars as a part of the series. This is the first one “automate your research”. Next week, we'll be coming to you with a webinar about underwater ROVs and that I'm also very excited about, we have a very exciting partner in this space, who is very dedicated towards getting this, their technology out to you.

And the cool thing about the partner that we're working with on that webinar, and in this space is that they were actually born out of university. So there they are people just like you that are looking to make an impact specifically in higher education. So we're very excited about next week and the other two webinars to follow. And we possibly have a fifth webinar joining the series as well. But we will save that information for when and if that time becomes appropriate.

Looks like we have a new question that just came up here it says, “what do you think, is it a good path to become a solutions engineer or robotic engineer, because this presentation is awesome, and I want to know how to be immersed in that world? Fantastic question. Thank you so much, Gabriel. So, for that, it's really just about immersing yourself in this space. Right? One thing I can say for my friend Mitchell who joined our webinar there briefly, is that he's solution oriented. If you put any type of problem in front of him, he will, you know, go through the process, not based on what we cannot do, but based on what we can do. If you if you truly dedicate yourself to having that type of attitude, then you know that type of energy is certainly recognized, and I'm sure that you'll have success breaking into the space.

We have a question from Abdul. It says “hello I am Abdul from Pakistan and a beginner in the robotics field; suggest me some useful tips for the future. Oh wow. some useful tips. Cedric, do you have any useful tips?

Cedric :

Yeah, I think we can. We can reach out to Abdul after the session we have a call with him and help him out about you know, things that he should know to succeed in this field because there are so many things that we can share.

There is another question here “can we know the educational packages you have?”. So of course, we can we can share with you, but again, we have a lot of different solutions available from a byproduct approach to a complete lab solution. And we cover all grade level. So there are really tons of options. So what I will suggest is, after the call, all the attendees will receive an email from Robot Lab that includes a couple of links, one a link to the product catalogues that we have for K 12 and Ioret, because I'm not sure if you know, if you are with a school or with a university, that is number one. And obviously, we will also share with you a link to the Agile X catalogue, where you have a better understanding of all the different options that we show you today about you know, Agile X products, chassis and payloads. And obviously, if you have any questions, moving forward about any type of solutions from Robot Lab, or more precisely about Agile X, you could throw them back to us; Peter is your man and they will take care of them

Peter Bowman:

Specifically, with this type of solution, we love to do consultations just to make sure that you know you have proper expectations, I highly recommend that you utilize that tool gazebo, when looking into our autonomous ground vehicles. So that way you can ensure that the chassis that you choose is going to be appropriate for your use case. With gazebo, you can literally simulate, you know everything about your use case, to the point where it should be very easy to execute in real life. Maria, if you could just post a post a link as well to the chat in our website so that the person that was asking about our solutions can kind of view those.


Yes, definitely I share with you guys. Also the link to our webinars is coming soon for this coming week. So please join us it's going to be amazing tools and products for you. And yeah, just I just shared the link with you; register; it’s your registration. And then I'll see you there. And yeah, of course I will share it the other link too.

Peter Bowman:

Thank you, Maria. And the last thing I'd like to say before concluding today's webinar is just that, we will on top of sending you the recording for the webinar, we will also be sending out a survey, please fill out that survey. It is very vital for us to know about how we're doing, how we're conveying the information, if there's anything else that you would like to see different from Robot Lab in terms of content. All of that you can communicate via that survey that we will send out following today's webinars. So please fill it out, please give us our feedback, and you'll have some type of special offer in there good through the end of the year or that as well if you respond. Awesome. Thank you so much, everybody for your time. It's been a pleasure. I sincerely appreciate it. And we hope to see you again next week and for the rest of the Robot Lab summer webinar series. Have a great day everybody.

Cedric :

Thank you.

  • Sep 12, 2022 11:43:30 AM