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What will AI and robotics mean for higher education?

The world around us is getting “smarter.” Artificial intelligence (AI), data, and natural language processing have enabled Alexa, Siri, Pandora, Netflix, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Waze, and other platforms to become part of our lives. Both AI and robotics are projected to have a massive impact on the global economy. While anticipated improvements in GDP and efficiency are positive, some fear that jobs will be lost through automation. What will AI and robotics mean for higher education? Will automation affect colleges and universities?

Image result for AI/ robotics classroom

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Robotics, The Next Big Thing in Higher Education?

Without a doubt, robotics is the next big thing in education. Like it or not, robots and robotics are the future. The sooner we accept robotics in schools and educate our children about robotics, the more prepared they will be for that future. At the moment, robotics is a reality at universities around the world, but imagine the possibilities if children entered those college programs already equipped with some robotic knowledge.


In this article, we have listed some interesting stories from universities to prove that there is already quite an interest in robotics after high school.

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5 Ways That Technology can Expand Creativity in Higher Education

Creativity has always been a part of a successful classroom, however recent advances in technology are making it possible to increase the ability for students to use their creativity in academia. With the ability to take and store thousands of pictures and videos, and listen to music in the palms of our hands, our students have the ability to be more and more creative in their projects, assignments, as well as group and individual tasks. As universities are encouraging the expansion and use of technology in the classroom, many professors are also encouraging the development of their students’ creative minds.


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Education Technology and the Future of Higher Ed Leadership


christopher-gower-m_HRfLhgABo-unsplash-1Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash

Education Technology (EdTech) has had a more significant impact on education than anyone expected. Now its effects are reaching into the field of higher education. In this article, we will discuss Education Technology and the future of higher ed leadership.

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IoT: future applications in K-12 and higher education

By Acer Education

timothy-muza-6VjPmyMj5KM-unsplashPhoto by Timothy Muza on Unsplash

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of interrelated physical objects connected through the internet, which has found several applications in the education world in recent years, from K-12 to higher education. 

The purpose of this connection? To put it simply, to exchange and transfer data without requiring direct intervention. IoT has become an integral part of the innovation brought to schools by EdTech in recent years, and even though it is not as widespread as of now, it will soon find its way into more and more institutions in the upcoming years.

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10 EdTech trending topics in higher education right now

By Acer Education

annie-spratt-QckxruozjRg-unsplashPhoto by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

The changes set in motion in 2020 offered the world of higher education the chance to explore new opportunities and get a deeper understanding of matters previously only partially uncovered. Technology played a major role in this respect: in fact, with the massive shift to remote and hybrid schedules, EdTech helped completely reshape learning and teaching. The following list features 10 EdTech trending topics in higher education to keep an eye on right now and in the future post-pandemic world.

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