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RobotLAB Blog

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Cobots: Potential for Limitless Collaboration

By Ellie Gabel


Are collaborative robots the key to transforming robotics education and closing technical skills gaps? Cobots have numerous advantages over traditional industrial robots, including greater flexibility and easier programming. These traits are perfect for enhancing robotics training with hands-on collaboration that teaches technical creativity and vital workplace skills.

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Hyperautomotion in Higher Education — No Longer Just a Possibility

By Shannon FlynnHyperautomation

Technology in education is utilized throughout the world to better prepare students for the workforce and world they will enter. However, some higher education institutions still struggle with the meaning of hyperautomation and how to utilize this newer technology to improve their institutions.

Hyperautomation technology relies on advanced computer software to identify and organize important data to streamline tasks throughout college and university departments. Once thought of as a future possibility is now making headway in organizations throughout the globe.

The following is hyperautomation technology many higher education institutions now use to keep up with business.

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[WEBINAR] NAO robot in Higher Education and Research

RobotLAB Summer Webinar designs-NAO-ZoomThe world-famous NAO humanoid robot just got an upgrade! Check out what is new with the most widely used platform in robotics and how this can impact your classroom or research lab!


Video transcript below.

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