BY VR Direct
The message is stark, urgent and global; the progress of the coronavirus pandemic can only be slowed to manageable levels if we all practice social distancing and self-isolation.
We all have daunting challenges to face in a world of restricted travel, remote working, and limited social interaction. Even after the initial crisis measures have been relaxed, it won’t be ‘business as normal’ for some time to come.
So exactly how can we continue providing essential training and education? How can we meet together at trade and cultural events? How can we nurture personal contacts and convert them to sales?
One way is to use the technology already out there to bring people together in a virtual reality. A virus ca nnot spread when there is no actual physical contact.
Let’s take a look now at how VR can not only give you a socially responsible advantage during the height of the crisis, but will give you a competitive edge in its aftermath.