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RobotLAB Blog

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Meet Pepper the Robot: ‘We recognize that we need to be able to bridge that communication gap’

By Sydney Dawes  X-Logo

Pepper StillwaterPepper arrived at Stillwater Center in Montgomery County in January. Photo courtesy of Stillwater Center.

The newest member of Stillwater Center’s team can speak multiple languages, double-check dosage information for patients and lead story time for children at the facility.

This new addition to Stillwater also stands at four feet tall and is made of metal and plastic.

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'The Robot made me do it': Robots Encourage Risk-taking Behaviour in People

By University of Southampton 

Newswise: 'The robot made me do it': Robots encourage risk-taking behaviour in peopleImage source by: University of Southampton 

New research has shown robots can encourage people to take greater risks in a simulated gambling scenario than they would if there was nothing to influence their behaviours. Increasing our understanding of whether robots can affect risk-taking could have clear ethical, practiCal and policy implications, which this study set out to explore.

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Pepper Robot can now scan office workers' faces to check if they are wearing masks to help stop the spread of COVID-19- ( To be Released Soon)


Japanese tech company SoftBank has created a version of its Pepper robot that can detect whether office workers are wearing a mask.    

The 47-inch-high robot with human-like features is already in operation in some countries welcoming visitors to shops, exhibitions and other public spaces.

But the upgraded version is designed to stand at the entrance to offices, conferences, airports and other public spaces, to provide a gentle reminder to people to wear masks. 

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Health Care Use Case With Pepper Robot

Healthcare Pepper-DentalPhoto: Sleep and Smile 

The Vienna dental institute Sleep & Smile specializes in the treatment of children and adults with special needs and Pepper robot helps children and adults with special needs overcome their anxiety about their upcoming dental treatment.

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Pepper Robot Can Scan Your Face and Ask you to Wear a Face Mask

Pepper is expanding its skills to help limit exposure to viruses and ensure people are wearing a mask in confined spaces. SoftBank Robotics Europe hopes the robot will help businesses reopen safely.Pepper Face mask

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[Walk-Through] - Smart Pepper, the easy way to make Pepper useful

Generation Robots' Smart Pepper software is a great tool for everyone, techies and business users alike. It allows you to choose Pepper's modes, make presentations, chatbots and even entertain your visitors. Join us for a product overview!

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Goooal! These are the RoboCup Humanoid League Winners!

Robotics teams and experts competed on Sydney for the RoboCup 2019, aiming to claim the World Champion title.

Two local universities came out with first place honours, University of Sydney (USYD) and the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), in the Soccer Simulation 2D League and the Social Robot Standard Platform League, respectively.


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Pepper Robot as a Teaching Tool for Libraries.

Bob Kuntz  Director of Operations and Innovation and Jennifer Bishop Online Services and Emerging Technologies Supervisor at Carroll County Public Library (CCPL) are using Pepper Robot as a teaching tool. Through Pepper Robot, they are introducing the community to practical applications for robots as well as showing them an engaging way to teach coding to youth and adults. Bob and Jennifer shared with RobotLAB the positive experience of having Pepper in the library. These are their thoughts. 

Pepper 1 Pepper 2-1

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Pepper the sailor Robot



Welcomed Onboard Costa Diadema, flagship of the Costa Cruises fleet, Pepper and crewmember Take A Selfie.  

Pepper robot, the world’s first emotional robot, keeps extending its employment range.  Designed at first as a sympathetic companion for the lonely, Pepper is now working in lines that require a robot with the ability to listen to and put up with multiple humans. After discovering that Pepper the robot is now working for the French railway system, it comes as no surprise to find the robot preparing to become a mariner... No, not a space probe; the ancient type of mariner: like the guy in the poem with the albatross around his neck (in the image above Pepper has a tie around his virtual neck); a sailor on board a ship.

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Pepper Robot The Future of Retail

"I'm a sophisticated combination of hardware and software designed to interact with humans and bring them joy," Pepper told CTV (that’s Canadian Television for those few of you who may not be aware that Toronto is in Canada) on March 2, 2016 in Toronto, Ontario. Does the fact that Pepper is conversing with CTV mean that the robot will arrive in Canada before the United States? Will Pepper speak French before English? And will he be playing hockey before football? Oh, the humiliation!

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