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How AR can help students with special needs


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AR can be a stepping stone to a more inclusive learning experience for students with special needs

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Ensuring That All Students Can See Themselves in STEM

By Marianna Ruggerio

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Meeting professionals of color in science, technology, engineering, and math can be a game changer for high school students.

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In-Person or Remote Learning: How the Biggest City School Districts Are Operating

By Tonya Harris 

j-kelly-brito-PeUJyoylfe4-unsplash-1Photo by J. Kelly Brito on Unsplash

The second half of the 2020-21 school year is poised to be as challenging as the first half for district leaders who must make high-stakes decisions about student and employee health and safety as the COVID-19 pandemic approaches the one-year mark.

There is no national data that capture the mode of learning in the nation’s more than 13,000 school districts. This tracker presents the current operating status of some of America’s largest school districts (plus, the Toronto, Ontario district). All are members of the Council of the Great City Schools, which is closely documenting how its districts are providing instruction.

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How AI is Impacting The Education Sector?

By Michael Georgiou 

hitesh-choudhary-t1PaIbMTJIM-unsplashImage: Hitesh Choudhary unsplash : https://unsplash.com/ 


Artificial intelligence has taken the world around us by storm, and like all things in the 21st century, it has thoroughly impacted the education sector.

From chatbots to automated thermostat conditioning, the machines around us learn from our behavior and then act intelligently to deliver the best possible service or product.

Almost every industry out there is leveraging the power of AI. How, then, can education not be impacted by something so all-consuming.

AI has changed the delivery, approach, and stylization of the education sector around the globe with relevant innovation. Here is how we see the industry evolve and grow, owing to AI.

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Guiding Special Education Students to Stay on Track for Success in Hybrid Classrooms

By Daniel Vollrath

santi-vedri-O5EMzfdxedg-unsplashSandri Vedri: https://unsplash.com/ 

Coaching special education students on metacognitive strategies helps them stay motivated during the pandemic.

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4 Ways to Support Students During Online Learning


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Online learning swept across the country in early 2020, but it isn't without its hurdles-here's how to help students navigate their new reality

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The Post-Pandemic Outlook for VR in Education

By Angela D Johnson

jessica-lewis-DeyfdybVQhA-unsplashImage: Jessica Lewis https://unsplash.com

During the pandemic, digital products and services have become the salvation, and the demand for technology and new developments has grown sharply. The global EdTech industry grows by 17-25% per year. It received an additional impulse to grow due to the lockdown. Those trends that were relevant before the current situation are gaining momentum more and more.

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Education Technology and the Future of Higher Ed Leadership


christopher-gower-m_HRfLhgABo-unsplash-1Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash

Education Technology (EdTech) has had a more significant impact on education than anyone expected. Now its effects are reaching into the field of higher education. In this article, we will discuss Education Technology and the future of higher ed leadership.

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Tips for Effective Social Distance Learning in 2021

By Shannon Flynn

Image: Beci Harmony on Unsplash

2020 was an enormous challenge for everyone, but for parents, adding distance learning to the mix makes things even more difficult. It’s been a solid nine months since the beginning of the pandemic, and while we’re starting to see the beginnings of a vaccine rolling out around the world, it will be quite a while before we’re ready to start heading back to school and work like we used to. 

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8 virtual field trips for STEM engagement


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In-person field trips aren't possible during the pandemic, but virtual field trips offer fun learning experiences for students

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