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Summer break checklist for teachers: 5 ideas and tips

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It has been a very long and challenging two-year period for schools all around the world. And if you are a teacher, you probably can relate. But you made it through and now you can finally relax

You are probably asking what’s next when school starts again for the 2021/2022 academic year. Even though the global scenario is slowly getting back to normal for most countries, uncertainty is still there. One thing is for sure: you need to recharge your batteries and get in the right mindset. Grab your notebook, we have made up a list of 5 ideas and tips to help you create your own Summer break checklist! 

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How Important Is Technology in Nowadays’ Education

By Ryan Pell

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Growing up, most of us had a teacher who refused to implement technology in the lessons. They had their trusty old textbook and thought that everything that’s written there would remain true through the ages.

However, that’s not how education works. It evolves rapidly, thanks to technology for the most part. According to Promethean, the focus on boosting student engagement with tech has increased by 29%. And yet, the implementation of EdTech is the priority for only 39% of U.S. schools.

Today, we’re going to take a look at the role technology plays in today’s education and why more schools should give it a priority.

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Pepper Robot Debut a Small/Medium Business Version

This affordable package allows small businesses struggling with labor shortages to automate their customer service and user experience.

Pepper Robot Wine Store RobotLABPepper Robot Wine Store RobotLAB

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How To Prepare Students For The Jobs of The Future

By  Joe Lombardi


Educating today's students for tomorrow's nonexistent jobs can be a challenge--one educators should be prepared to meet.

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Google Expeditions Is Gone, Now What?

The long-time Educator's favorite app, Google Expeditions, was discontinued today. A replacement app is available now for educators: VR EXPEDITIONS 2.0 from RobotLAB Inc.

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5 Ways to Boost Student Engagement with STEM Learning Strategies


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These student engagement strategies can help educators create authentic learning experiences for all students using digital tools.

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How Learning Is Improving With Digital Transformation

By Shannon Flynn

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The digital transformation of the economy has impacted every industry. Some of the most significant changes from that transformation have been in education.

New digital developments like remote learning, artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR) all have the potential to radically transform how education is delivered and experienced.

Educators and EdTech developers are working to apply these innovations to the industry. Some of their experiments have already had a major impact on classrooms around the world.

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How to Use Robots to Assist Teachers and Improve Student Learning?

By Tiffany Harper

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Technology has evolved tremendously during the last few years. Even though this progress might have been slowed down by the global pandemic that started last year, developers do not miss the opportunity to do this now. As the coronavirus pandemic made many people more aware of the impact of their behavior and habits on the world, environment, and people, the field of technology is developing even more nowadays. Technology is a general term used for naming the things that are related to computers, robots, artificial intelligence, machine learning, networking, servers, and many more. Technology is not represented only by your smartphone or laptop. Technology is present in our everyday lives more than we are even aware of.

Becoming aware of the impact of technology is step humanity has to make. But becoming aware of the impact technological advancements could have on our lives is something we still have to work on. Technology has been very important for the field of education, especially during the last year. As people had to spend more time inside, colleges and universities have shifted to online learning. Which was a challenge itself, both for students and teachers. However, the future is bright and robots might begin to be used by teachers in classrooms. Why?

Because robots could assist teachers and improve student learning in classrooms, making the job of teachers even easier. Using a robot in the classroom is a nice thing to do, especially at the beginning when many would be reluctant to do this. But as essay writers on technology topics say, robots could indeed make teaching and learning more efficient and successful. How? Find out below.

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How the Edtech Industry Can Help get Education Back on Track


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With an eye on professional development and high-quality instruction, the Edtech industry plays a vital role in post-pandemic education. 

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Bringing Students Together in Math Class

By Sandy Vorensky

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For math teachers who will have students learning at home next year, fostering a feeling of community will be as important as building skills. 

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