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Back to school 2021/2022: predictions and expectations

By Acer Education

paul-siewert-U28iCOx-rUc-unsplash-1Photo by Paul Siewert on Unsplash

A new academic year is beginning soon. While the global pandemic seems to have become more manageable at the time of writing, this back-to-school season won’t certainly be like any other. Let’s take a closer look at some predictions, expectations, and considerations for the 2021/2022 school year.

With almost two years in a row of unusual learning, this Autumn will probably feel like a breath of fresh air. All things considered, teachers, students, and administrators will most likely get familiar with a new normal rather than returning to a long-awaited back to normal. And this doesn’t necessarily mean bad news.

Technology has surely allowed schools and teachers to overcome several challenges of the remote learning scenario. Plus, it has proven to be particularly effective in supporting students during such a challenging period. The demand for digital classrooms significantly increased in the past year, setting in motion a major revolution in the educational landscape. The “age of remote learning” taught us several valuable lessons we mustn’t forget as we approach the new academic year. 

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3 Ways STEM Learning Supports the Future of Work


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Learn how educators are using STEM learning to frame their classrooms around student success now—and in the future.

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AI Role in E-Learning Applications

By Ibrahim Ismail

web-3963945_1920 (1)Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

Many definitions defined artificial intelligence since the theory of AI comes on the surface. However, it keeps changing with time, but the definitions are generally used to describe AI. Likewise, AI is a study of developing intelligent systems and machines. Moreover, the devices can work and behave like humans. There are plenty of machines that have been designed in an approach of AI. There are two types of AI weak AI, and the other one is strong AI.

Firstly, let's discuss weak AI, which is also known as narrow AI. It's an intelligence that performs some specific task. It allows building some special applications. Some applications have been developed in weak AI logic, For instance, Apple Siri and Amazon Alexa.

Secondly, strong AI or you can call it artificial superintelligence. It promotes the idea of a machine to perform equal to the human. Similarly, this machine is equipped with self-aware consciousness, which can think, behave, and resolve issues like humans, such as science fiction, the superhuman, or a supercomputer.

Moreover, AI also refers to terms like Machine learning and Deep learning, but they are not the same. Meanwhile, ML is a subdivision of AI and DL is a sub-region of ML. ML is the most familiar type of AI. The essential use of ML is to transfer data quickly.

Similarly, mobile application development for e-learning is a path of the future that keeps evolving. Every mobile application development company is keen on learning AI and including it in their app developing strategy.

Meanwhile, AI can be learning as a machine that has a consciousness and problem-solving sense resemble approaches like humans. These attributes make it separate from other devices.

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Ensuring That All Students Can See Themselves in STEM

By Marianna Ruggerio

marilia-castelli-ozDyUaQY0Ww-unsplash-1Photo by Marília Castelli on Unsplash

Meeting professionals of color in science, technology, engineering, and math can be a game-changer for high school students.

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3 Ways to Build Better Edtech Processes for Teaching and Learning


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Burnout in the education system highlights the importance of technology integration to improve edtech processes.

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Two Ways Using Educational Robotics In Schools Saves Teachers Time For Creative Work

By Amanda Dudley

Photo by Fitore Fazliu on Unsplash

As a teacher, what would you give to have a few extra hours in your workweek for yourself? A few extra hours during which you can put your feet up and complete that novel you've been working on for months.

This sounds like a dream that may never come true unless you discover a magical lamp with a genie trapped inside it. Nevertheless, thanks to technology, this dream is gradually coming to life.

In today's world, educational robots are a phenomenon that's rapidly infiltrating the educational system. More and more teachers are integrating robotics into STEM classes and even art lessons, making the learning process more seamless and fun.

However, this educational revolution offers other benefits for overworked teachers. Recent studies have shown that robotics in education can help teachers save time, and we'll show you how in a bit.

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