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MakerBot Announces 3D Printing Innovation Centers for Universities


The nation’s first Makerbot Innovation Center opened February 11, 2014 at SUNY New Paltz in New York. Being a denizen of the heartland a thousand miles and more from either coast, my first thought was, “What in the world is a ‘SUNY New Paltz?’”  A quick trip to Wikipedia  answered that question:The State University of New York at New Paltz, known as SUNY New Paltz for short, is a public university in New Paltz, New York.”

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Alvin Toffler on keeping up with change in the 21st Century



The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.

Alvin Toffler

Although this quote is attributed to famous futurist Alvin Toffler, it seems impossible to discover when he said it -- if he said it -- prior to it appearing on his website. A web search for its source uncovers controversy, nothing conclusive. Some bloggers believe it to be a paraphrase of something he said in one of his books; others are less charitable and believe it should be attributed to another author altogether.


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Improving gender and ethnic diversity in STEM jobs


stemsolAs everyone in the field is well aware, women and ethnic minorities are not sufficiently represented in STEM careers and in learning programs nationwide. Increasing their participation in a field that is fast becoming an important job provider in this country was the subject of a recent “Creating a Sustainable Commitment to STEM” session at U.S. News & World Report's STEM Solutions Conference in Washington, D.C.

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3d printers in Suffolk libraries


suffolk_libraryLibrarians in Suffolk County, NY believe it is part of their mandate as civilization’s repository of wisdom to allow users access to newer technologies like 3D printers. With a traveling exhibit including a Makerbot 3D digitizer and Makerbot 3D printer, they are out to show us that libraries are not, as one library director, Robert Lusak of the Smithtown Special Library District says, "... just about books and movies. Whatever the latest is in technology, we as the library want to be able to offer that kind of tool to our community."  No question about it, 3D printers are the latest in technology, with one soon on its way to the International Space Station so astronauts can produce their own spare parts -- Scotty the chief engineer on the Enterprise would certainly have loved to have one!

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Using 3D printer, every student can be a maker



brooklyn-tech-manufacturing-lab-makerbotEducators, do you find yourself sceptical about the claims made for 3D printers as valuable teaching tools?  I know I have been and I was educated when manual typewriters were the highest tech you were apt to see in high schools. As a freshman, I thought I wanted to go into engineering, but when I took a course in mechanical drawing and found myself pathologically incapable of drawing a straight line I left the engineering route forever. After reading about the experiences students had with 3D printers at Brooklyn Technical High School I lost my scepticism regarding these printers and began to wonder... if they’d had these printers when I was a boy would I have stayed in engineering?

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Gates Foundation report - Teachers Know Best: What Educators Want from Digital Instructional Tools


gatesfoundInstead of simply leaving it to guesswork, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation decided to come right out and ask the question “What do teachers want?” The foundation asked the question because “in our work with schools over the last few years, we have heard a common theme: Teachers are trying hard to challenge and engage their students, but they don’t have sufficient choices for effective digital instructional tools that truly meet their needs.”

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Bringing the MakerBot 3d Printer into the Classroom

I want you to take a minute to think about how your life might have been different if you’d grown up with a MakerBot in your high school or elementary school. How might it have changed your understanding of math, mechanics, or design? And what could it have unleashed in you if you had the ability, from an early age, to take things that you imagined and turned them into things that are tangible? These are all questions that are really exciting because the way things are headed; the next generation is going to grow up "MakerBotting". I personally can’t wait to see what kind of positive effect that’s going to have on our future.
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San Francisco, CA – May 1, 2014 – The Edison Awards, honoring the best in innovation and excellence in the development of new products and services, announced today that RobotsLAB was voted a Gold winner for innovation at the April 30th event in San Francisco. The company’s representatives joined hundreds of senior executives from some of the world’s most recognized companies to acknowledge the innovation, hard work and commitment of all of the 2014 Edison Award winners.

RobotsLAB is thrilled to be a winner of this distinguished award and recognized for the innovative solutions we bring in the educational market," said Elad Inbar, the company’s CEO. “As the leader in educational robotics, we strive to make a difference with our products. We embed non-traditional and engaging new methods to teach abstract math and science concepts, ensuring the next generation’s career and college readiness. Our educators are constantly seeing breakthroughs in students’ understanding, thanks to the robots and the integrated learning experience we bring.


Elad Inbar, CEO, with the Edison Awards trophy.
This award come on the heels of three other awards RobotsLAB BOX has received in the past months - Educational Game Changer Award at at RoboBusiness conference, The Best STEM Tool from EdTEch Digest and The Best EdTech Startup at SxSW EDU. 

Being recognized with an Edison Award has become one of the highest accolades a company can receive in the name of innovation and business. The awards are named after Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) whose inventions, new product development methods and innovative achievements literally changed the world, garnered him 1,093 U.S. patents, and made him a household name around the world.

“Our judges recognized RobotsLAB as a true innovator out of the many products in its category,” said Frank Bonafilia, executive director of the Edison Awards.

The ballot of nominees for the Edison Awards™ was judged by a panel of more than 3,000 leading business executives including past award winners, academics and leaders in the fields of product development, design, engineering, science and medical.

The Announcement

One of the evening’s many highlights was the presentation of the prestigious Edison Achievement Award to two very prominent innovators: Yang Yuanqing, the Chairman and CEO of Lenovo, the first Chinese executive so honored, and Elon Musk, the charismatic leader behind Tesla Motors and SpaceX. The award honors innovation leaders and business executives who have made a significant and lasting contribution to innovation throughout their careers. The Edison Achievement Award serves as inspiration to future innovators and to the world at large.
Click below to learn more about the awarded product:
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3d printing in education in Japan

Hey! Here is some good news: the Japanese government thinks it has to play catch-up to the United States in at least one area of manufacturing technology, 3D printers. After a lifetime of hearing about the supposed superiority of Japan in all things manufacturing--I’m driving a Subaru;  how about you?--it’s great at last to find something about American manufacturing worth emulating.

Even more important, it’s great to realize that we Americans are doing something right in our schools--intending to furnish every single one of them with 3D printers. The determinative word in that last phrase is “intending;” we still have a long way to go before we can claim victory.

This wonderful new technology, as President Obama said in his 2013 State of the Union speech, “... has the potential to revolutionize the way we make almost everything. The next industrial revolution in manufacturing will happen in America.” Of course the Japanese would prefer that the revolution start there!


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Soft Skills for success



What do robots and soft skills have in common in relation to EdTech? The answer, at least to this writer, was "more than I thought!"


I am assuming that anyone reading this post knows what a robot is. But in the absence of a formal definition, let's agree with a paraphrase of Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart’s famous definition: I know one when I see one.


The definition of "soft skills" may be another matter. I hate to admit it, but until stumbling across the term in an interesting Eschoolnews post the other day, I’d never heard the term before. I went to the Wikipedia and et voilà!! there it was, the definition: “Soft skills are personal attributes that enhance an individual's interactions, job performance and career prospects. Unlike hard skills, which are about a person's skill set and ability to perform a certain type of task or activity, soft skills relate to a person's ability to interact effectively with coworkers and customers and are broadly applicable both in and outside the workplace.” You know, stuff like showing up on time for work and not punching-out the boss when he criticizes you.

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