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Curious About Classroom Makerspaces? Here’s How to Get Started.

Makerspace is a rapidly growing trend in schools across the country, but to be honest, I’ve never implemented one myself, and I can’t quite picture the logistics of orchestrating a Makerspace. How do kids know what to do? How can you find out what they’re learning? How do you make time for that with all the other tasks crammed into the school day? And how do you keep the Makerspace from turning into a chaotic mess?

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5 Benefits of STEM for Girls

As technology advances, STEM for girls is becoming increasingly relevant. Yet, despite this importance, many still believe that STEM is not for girls. Nonetheless, evidence shows that such thinking is not the reason but the cause of us having a lack of women in STEM.

Let’s investigate what the benefits of STEM for girls are.

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How Is AI Used In Education - Real World Examples Of Today And A Peek Into The Future

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While the debate regarding how much screen time is appropriate for children rages on among educators, psychologists, and parents, it’s another emerging technology in the form of artificial intelligence and machine learning that is beginning to alter education tools and institutions and changing what the future might look like in education. It is expected that artificial intelligence in U.S. education will grow by 47.5% from 2017-2021 according to the Artificial Intelligence Market in the US Education Sector report. Even though most experts believe the critical presence of teachers is irreplaceable, there will be many changes to a teacher’s job and to educational best practices.

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The Real Importance of STEM Education in Elementary School


As a nation, our education industry has recognized a shortcoming in our students. We’ve fallen behind other industrialized countries in terms of STEM-related fields, which include Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Not only does a STEM-focused education open students to new subjects, it also allows for different learning methodologies to be utilized.

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How Can Robotics Bring STEM Learning to Life?


It has often been highlighted that there is a growing shortage of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) professionals in the US. Over the last decade, reports published by National Innovation Institute, National Academies study, President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology; all pointed towards the need to increase the STEM talent pool if America were to continue its strength in science and technology.

Many attempts have been made in the past to raise enrollment in STEM courses including state aid and scholarships, but robotics seems to have renewed interest in STEM courses like none other. It brings science, technology, engineering and mathematics which were earlier taught as four different subjects, together as one.

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19 Futuristic STEM Jobs: Finding a Career in the Future

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No matter how hard you try to predict the future, it will always be uncertain. While some probably thought we would have had flying cars by now, it’s not quite the case.

Most science fiction though, for the most part, eventually becomes science fact.

So how do we take that knowledge and prepare our children for future?

Well, if we follow trends and look to research, we can do a pretty good job of predicting advancements. Flying cars were probably a stretch of a guess, but driverless cars? Sure. And wouldn’t you know it, you’re seeing more of them being tested on the road every single day.

Technology is at the forefront of such innovations. So for parents looking to give their children a leg up in the future, that means introducing STEM in early childhood to help kids develop related tech skills and future-proof their education.

I mean, consider the employment landscape of 1990. Jobs like Social Media Manager and UX Designer were unheard of—in fact, many jobs didn’t exist even ten years ago. It’s also reported that 65% of children entering school will eventually work at jobs that don’t exist today.

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We are 20 Years Into the 21st Century, Isn't it About Time to Stop Fooling Around With STEM Education, and Start Teaching Artificial Intelligence?


January 22, 2020 – London, UK – RobotLAB Inc., the award-winning educational robotics company, launched the industry-first AI LAB for education. The AI LAB is a turnkey solution built from multiple AI-Stations such as Smart Transportation, Smart Cities, Industry 4.0, Humanoid Robots, Space Exploration, Smart Farming, and other modular learning experiences designed to give students hands-on experience in every day’s Artificial Intelligence applications.

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How to Choose the Right Type of Robot for Your Classroom


About 59,500,000.

That’s the number of results my latest Google search for ‘educational robots’ turned up. With such an overwhelming number of resources claiming to be ‘perfect’ for teaching coding to kids, attempting to find the right robot to use in your classroom can be a daunting task. How do you determine which robot is best for your students?

Start by thinking about educational robots in terms of categories, rather than as an insanely long list of products. Educational robots can be divided into four main categories of robots.

In this article, we look at the physical design, coding method and educational method of each of these four categories of robots. These details will help you choose the best type of robot for bringing coding into your classroom.

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Why STEM Matters in 2020


STEM Education, a term initiated by the National Science Foundation, is an educational approach which focuses on one or more of the four disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and math. In an era when technical and scientific skills are increasingly important in the work force, exposing children to STEM learning in the early years is key.

Currently, only 26% of STEM jobs are held by women. It is important to ensure that girls as well as boys are exposed to and encouraged in the area of STEM. It’s never too early to introduce STEM to your child and to consider how to sustain interest in STEM in elementary school.

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How EdTech Can Impact on Students’ Wellbeing

In most people’s lives, school is the first environment in which we start feeling pressure. Whether the cause is the expectation to perform well or the struggle to fit in and have one’s first social interactions, school is often a source of stress and fear and can prove detrimental to the students’ mental health and well-being.

Creating a safe, positive place to be that fosters confidence and contentment while nipping the causes of anxiety and low self-esteem in the bud is something that everyone can contribute to: a class where students who struggle socially are not made to feel judged or excluded by their peers, staffed by teachers who realise that low-performing pupils need to be helped, not berated, is much more conducive to a good mental state than a highly competitive class where bullying is rife and students feel that they cannot go to the adults in charge with their problems.

Human behaviour, therefore, remains the greatest factor in student well-being and mental health, and technology alone cannot eliminate all obstacles. However, EdTech can be an excellent support tool for those educators and administrators who care about their students’ quality of life.

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