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Why Your Students Need a Makerspace


Makerspaces have become a hot topic in education. While not a new concept, makerspaces are gaining traction for the many benefits they provide students as these spaces are integrated into classrooms and schools.

Makerspaces are designed to challenge students to create and learn through hands-on, personalized experiences throughout elementary, middle and high school. Here are a few of the many benefits of makerspaces.

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Why Math Talk is More Than Numbers


It is well known that children who develop arithmetic skills at a young age are more likely to be successful in science, technology, engineering, and math subjects when they are older. It is also known that parents have a strong influence on their child’s ability to develop these skills. 

For instance, children whose parents frequently ask things such as, “You have four pennies… how many would you have if I gave you two more?” are more likely to be successful in math classes and math-related careers later on. But, what is less well known is the fact that spatial reasoning has an impact on these mathematical abilities as well.

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How Edtech Will Change School Culture

For more than 100 years, we’ve relied on the factory model for providing education. Born of the industrial age, when efficient systems mattered most in producing a product, the factory model mimicked assembly-line work. 

Schools built large classrooms and filled them with multiple rows of students. Teachers delivered one-size-fits-all instruction, and process was replicated in room after room, hall after hall, and school after school.


Naming the education system after industrialism was more of a metaphor than anything else, but one thing became apparent. Industrialism had served its purpose. Continuing to model an education system after an era that had passed was hurting instruction, not helping it. In education, we deal with people, not parts.

The birth of computers and the Internet renewed interest in education, and many thought that technology would be the panacea schools needed to reinvent themselves. As it turns out, change was not going to come from having computers or other trendy digital devices. Authentic change in education could only come about from how we used the new tools, not which ones we purchased for school.

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Robotics in Education: Constructing, Coding, and Competing

The learning theory of constructionism asserts that people construct mental models to understand the world around them, and that this can be achieved through activities like building, tinkering, playing with components of machines and other systems, and watching how they interact.


many companies now provide robotic building kits that educators can use to build systems thinking, learn engineering, and practice STEM concepts, following the theories of constructionism. There are options out there for the smallest of budgets, as well as large-scale, worldwide, non-profit organizations that have inspired the formation of robotics clubs, as well as international robotics competitions.

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5 Ways To Use Drones In The Classroom


Mobile devices may have enabled the breakthrough of disruptive technology in modern classroom, but new gadgets keep enriching the possibilities to engage students in more interactive classes. Alongside smartphones and tablets, a number of new devices have entered a classroom – from smart boards to VR headsets, a wide range of tech inventions have helped reinvent traditional teaching methods. Among the latest tech trends, the use of drones has become a widespread among photographers, journalists, farmers, police officers and many others. For teachers, using drones in the classroom open up a new set of opportunities to make classes more relevant and engaging for students.

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What is The State of Virtual Reality in The Classroom?


Virtual reality sounds like a far-off futuristic concept. When we hear the words “virtual reality” we may think of people wearing big helmets that transport them to another location from the comfort of their home (or classroom). However, virtual reality is slowly becoming a reality in the classroom. It doesn’t look quite like what you might imagine, but it is improving all the time.

The potential benefits of virtual reality in the classroom are endless. Students from schools all over the world could have access to the same resources and experiences through virtual reality, creating an even playing field like we’ve never seen before in education. Students could use virtual reality to travel back in time and see history come to life, or to take field trips to far-off locations that would cost hundreds to travel to in real life.

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Is Coding Over? Why Learning to Code Is Really About Learning to Learn

We are now living in a technological world and the future of work is this: Tech workers will no longer solely work in the tech industry. Every field will hire employees with strong digital skills, and this trend will only continue to accelerate.


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5 Ways AI May Influence Higher Education Admissions & Retention

Image result for AI education

Artificial intelligence (AI) has officially entered the higher education realm, both hypothetically and in early practice. According to the report Artificial Intelligence Market in the US Education Sector, AI will grow at a compound annual rate of 47.7 percent from 2018 to 2022. Several technological and educational powerhouses will contribute to that growth as they commit substantial resources and personnel to develop digital platforms that use AI.

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STEM Education is About Hands On Experiences

The processes of inquiry, reasoning and collaboration required in STEM learning are similar to any experiential activity; learning activities must be hands-on experiences. STEM classes also demand rigor and relevance in a curriculum, and the students who take these classes must learn to think critically as they use science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to solve real world problems through direct learning experiences.

STEM lessons

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5 STEM Toys to Grab Kids' Interest Early

Science, technology, engineering and math — these subjects make up STEM, and it's clear why all four will be vital to your child's growth and success. When they grow up, they may want to pursue these interests as careers — a good thing, considering experts predict these fields will only continue to grow and create more jobs. Plus, STEM work tends to come with a healthy salary, too. 

For now, your little one's far from a steady 9-to-5. Nevertheless, you can cultivate their interest in STEM-related subjects with toys that sharpen the brain. Discover five of the best options to add to your child's toy box. 


By Kayla Matthews 

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