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Blocks, Rocks, and Robots: Nurturing Computational Thinking in Early Childhood

Computational thinking can be related to computers and computer science, as its name would suggest. But, more broadly, computational thinking is the ability to analyze and solve problems in a logical and organized way. Unsurprisingly, computational thinking is a higher priority in education today than it was 30 years ago. In our ever-evolving world, the leaders of tomorrow will be required to use computational thinking on a daily basis. Therefore, it’s incredibly important to train young children to develop these skills early on.


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Remote Learning: 6 Best Ways to Engage Your Students [from Teachers!]

Keeping students on task and excited about learning can take all your best classroom management strategies — even when you’re delivering instruction face-to-face. 

With many schools closing their doors indefinitely, teachers across the country have had to adapt at light-speed and implement remote learning strategies. While remote learning isn’t a perfect substitute for in-class instruction, there are lots of ways to keep students engaged while they’re learning from home. 

If you’re not sure where to start, we’ve put together a list of six best practices for online instruction to help you.

Remote of Learning

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A Teacher Appreciation Week for the Ages

When schools abruptly closed due to Covid-19, teachers figured out how to make remote learning work. This week, as the nation expresses its gratitude, Edutopia recap the emotional journey with a video! Now more than ever during this though times we want to say THANK YOU TEACHERS!  

RobotLAB Thank you card

Check the video and enjoy the emotional and powerful journey of teachers during remote learning!

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Robots can Play a Major Role in COVID-19 Battle

Robots can significantly help in the fight against the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) that is spreading across the globe. As the number of cases tops one million, and the death toll reaching 53,000, scientists race to develop a drug or vaccine for the infectious disease. Now, robots are playing a major role in this fight, improving the health and safety of individuals and patients.

Cruzr Covid-19

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How to Connect Early Geometry to The Real World

Applying early geometry and spatial reasoning skills in the real world is critical in the development of general mathematics skills.


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7 Tips for Managing Distance Learning in Preschool

A preschool education director shares what her school is doing to keep kids’ screen time to a minimum while fostering play-based learning at home.

EdAction in Congress March 29, 2020 - Education Votes

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[Walk-Through] Wonder Workshop great educational robots

Join us in this episode of Product Walk Through to a behind-the-scenes interview with Tim Tomaso from Wonder Workshop discussing their online and hands-on educational robots

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[Walk-through] DOBOT Educational Robotic Arms Product Line

The Dobot robotic arm family is versatile, cost-efficient educational robots that are fully programmable and offer students of all ages (from elementary to college level) a hands-on experience with Industry 4.0 and automation.

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[Walk-through] Misty Robot, an awesome open platform for research and education

The Misty robot is a great and affordable open source robotics platform. A unique robot that encourages hacking and extensions! Join us for an interview with the inventor - Ian Bernstein

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4 Tips to Deliver Distance Learning Effectively and Efficiently

An instructional technology specialist outlines the key principles guiding his district’s distance learning efforts in the middle of the global COVID-19 pandemic

20 Online Learning Resources for Kids - Chicago Parent

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