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Overcoming Teacher's Fear of Technology

It doesn’t matter if you are a new teacher or a veteran teacher; technology in general can be a bit terrifying. It’s not so much that it’s actually technology. It’s that often, as soon as new technology, software, and programs are released – and mastered – there is suddenly a new, more technically advanced version to learn.

william-iven-SpVHcbuKi6E-unsplashPhoto by William Iven on Unsplash

Then, when you throw in the fact that as teachers we are already crunched for time, so now it’s just one more area to learn, one more thing to add to our never-ending to-do list. And, we are told that we need to connect it/implement it into the students’ learning without training or with little training, so it quickly creates tension and a fear of technology within us.

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How to Help Students Get Used to Masks

In many places, students returning to school buildings will be required to wear masks. These strategies can help elementary students adjust.mika-baumeister-uz_T7h8ds04-unsplashPhoto by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

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Pepper Robot Can Scan Your Face and Ask you to Wear a Face Mask

Pepper is expanding its skills to help limit exposure to viruses and ensure people are wearing a mask in confined spaces. SoftBank Robotics Europe hopes the robot will help businesses reopen safely.Pepper Face mask

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A 2021 Definition of EdTech

Edtech allows for one learner or five million to learn, anywhere on earth, and to take the same classes as each other. franck-v-jIBMSMs4_kA-unsplashPhoto by Franck V. on Unsplash

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DOBOT Robotic Arm in the US

Check these DOBOT news wrap-up! and learn how this STEAM classroom solution has been implemented in the U.S 


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Return to School During COVID-19

​​​​​​​​note-thanun-CYlPykF-qAM-unsplashPhoto by note thanun on Unsplash

A big question parents have right now is how students can go back to school safely during COVID-19. The latest American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advice says children learn best when they are in school. However, returning to school in person needs careful steps in place to keep students and staff safe.

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3 Easy Steps to Using a Collaboration Technology Approach

No teacher can do it all.

benefits-technology-in-the-classroomRunning a classroom, delivering instruction, and giving timely feedback are huge tasks by themselves. The good news is that responsibility for learning doesn’t have to fall solely on the teacher’s shoulders. This responsibility can be shared with students through collaborative technology. In fact, the outcomes are better if the teacher is willing to adopt collaborative technology in the classroom.

Many teachers have already adopted a collaborative technology approach in their classrooms. They’ve been willing to step away from center stage and let their students take on more responsibility for their learning.

You can bring collaborative technology into your classroom if you are willing to help your students envision, explore, and enrich.

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Science Intervention: Strategies To Help Students Catch Up

Many students struggle in STEM-related subjects: science, technology, engineering, and math. Struggling in science can be disheartening for students, their parents, and their teachers. As students increase in grade level, the emphasis placed on science in the public-school system increases, leaving many students feeling as though they will never catch up. Here, we provide some science intervention strategies to help students reach grade-level standards and accomplish their goals.

jeshoots-com-5EKw8Z7CgE4-unsplashPhoto by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

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7 Things to Know About the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Mission Launch

NASA's next rover to the Red Planet is slated to launch no earlier than July 30. These highlights will get you up to speed on the ambitious mission.

NASA RoverThis illustration depicts NASA's Perseverance rover operating on the surface of Mars. Perseverance will land at the Red Planet's Jezero Crater a little after 3:40 p.m. EST (12:40 p.m. PST) on Feb. 18, 2021. Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

In less than a month, NASA expects to launch the Mars 2020 Perseverance mission from Cape Canaveral, Florida. Loaded with scientific instruments, advanced computational capabilities for landing, and other new systems, the Perseverance rover is the largest, heaviest, most sophisticated vehicle NASA has ever sent to the Red Planet.

"Perseverance sets a new bar for our ambitions at Mars," said Lori Glaze, planetary science director at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "We will get closer than ever before to answering some of science's longest-standing questions about the Red Planet, including whether life ever arose there."

What drives Perseverance's mission and what will it do at the Red Planet? Here are seven things to know: 

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3 Lessons From Online Learning to Take Back to the Classroom

Online LearningPhoto by Mohammad Shahhosseini on Unsplash

Remote teaching has brought profound changes. I went through a grieving process for what my classroom once had been and for what it felt like to be in a room with students and interact with them so easily. But as I made my way through that grief, after a month or two I began to find some hope. I realized that there are lots of lessons to be learned from this time of distance learning. When we can be in person again, there are some practices that will carry with me because I discovered they actually work better:

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