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RobotLAB Blog

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Students at Folsom High School learned how to program with the Nao Robot check out the amazing results!

Beginning computer science students at Folsom High School, in Folsom, California, have been learning how to program using the NAO Robot. After the lessons in the curriculum completed, teams of four students were required to write a lesson plan before they started programming which would include the following:

  • Grade level taught 


  • Subject NAO will be teaching


  • Summary of the lesson


  • Materials needed to complete the lesson


  • A detailed description of the program by using a textual storyborad format


They were then to work as a team to program this lesson, problem solve, work out bugs, and then video tape the lesson once it was working properly. check out the videos, programmig can be fun! 

 NAO robot teach Bowling

NAO robot teach Simple math


NAO robot teach Basketball 


 NAO robot teach workout 

 Are you interested in having NAO robot in your class?  Ask for a demo! 

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  • Jun 30, 2017 6:29:10 PM