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San Francisco, CA – May 1, 2014 – The Edison Awards, honoring the best in innovation and excellence in the development of new products and services, announced today that RobotsLAB was voted a Gold winner for innovation at the April 30th event in San Francisco. The company’s representatives joined hundreds of senior executives from some of the world’s most recognized companies to acknowledge the innovation, hard work and commitment of all of the 2014 Edison Award winners.

RobotsLAB is thrilled to be a winner of this distinguished award and recognized for the innovative solutions we bring in the educational market," said Elad Inbar, the company’s CEO. “As the leader in educational robotics, we strive to make a difference with our products. We embed non-traditional and engaging new methods to teach abstract math and science concepts, ensuring the next generation’s career and college readiness. Our educators are constantly seeing breakthroughs in students’ understanding, thanks to the robots and the integrated learning experience we bring.


Elad Inbar, CEO, with the Edison Awards trophy.
This award come on the heels of three other awards RobotsLAB BOX has received in the past months - Educational Game Changer Award at at RoboBusiness conference, The Best STEM Tool from EdTEch Digest and The Best EdTech Startup at SxSW EDU. 

Being recognized with an Edison Award has become one of the highest accolades a company can receive in the name of innovation and business. The awards are named after Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) whose inventions, new product development methods and innovative achievements literally changed the world, garnered him 1,093 U.S. patents, and made him a household name around the world.

“Our judges recognized RobotsLAB as a true innovator out of the many products in its category,” said Frank Bonafilia, executive director of the Edison Awards.

The ballot of nominees for the Edison Awards™ was judged by a panel of more than 3,000 leading business executives including past award winners, academics and leaders in the fields of product development, design, engineering, science and medical.

The Announcement

One of the evening’s many highlights was the presentation of the prestigious Edison Achievement Award to two very prominent innovators: Yang Yuanqing, the Chairman and CEO of Lenovo, the first Chinese executive so honored, and Elon Musk, the charismatic leader behind Tesla Motors and SpaceX. The award honors innovation leaders and business executives who have made a significant and lasting contribution to innovation throughout their careers. The Edison Achievement Award serves as inspiration to future innovators and to the world at large.
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  • May 1, 2014 5:12:00 PM
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