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RobotLAB UVD Disinfection Robot!

Today, I want to share with you one of the best robots on the market, the UVD robot that is using UVC light in order to disinfect the spaces. Check the video below!

UVD Disinfection Robot with RobotLAB

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Hello everyone, my name is Elad Inbar. I'm the CEO of RobotLAB. And today we are at the beginning of 2021. We are nine months into this epidemic. And as we shared with you back in March, both the CDC and UNICEF and other health agencies recommended to create a strategy in order to go back to school, back to work, back to offices safely. And this strategy composed of three main components. The first one is:

  1. We have to identify sick people and prevent them from entering our spaces. It doesn't matter if it's a school, if it's a work place, if it's a restaurant or even a cinema, it doesn't matter. We have to make sure that the sick people or people that have symptoms don't come in. So that's the first step.

  2. The second step we have to educate our newcomers. It doesn't matter if we are talking about mall or again, a school setting, or universities. We have to educate everyone about proper hand-washing, mask wearing and everything that we know now how to prevent the spread of viruses.

  3. And this third step is we have to disinfect, not just clean. We're talking about these infecting burning the viruses, burning the bacteria, and we have solutions for each one of them.

And today I want to share with you one of the best robots on the market the UVD robot that is using UVC light in order to disinfect the spaces. And this robot is totally autonomous. Unlike other solutions out there that need money or push or even positioning and re-positioning, according to the environment, this robot is totally autonomous. It has sensors, laser sensors, or Ravi so it can find its way wherever it goes. You can actually create a map of every environment.

It doesn't matter if it's a school or a workplace. And on the map, you can set up the cleaning point, the disinfection points and you can decide how much time to spend on each one of these and the robot does it autonomously. So it doesn't need anyone to drive it. It can do it based on predefined missions. Define the schedule and define locations that we can set up on the robot application.

The robot is completely stand alone. There is no need for any cables or any human around that. In fact, we don't want people around this robot because when it's on the level of UV radiation, that it then makes exceeds what's safe for our skin. So, we don't want anyone to be around this robot. This robot was tested in the field with hundreds and hundreds of units out there.

We even have schools that got 26 of these robots in order to disinfect their entire environment and the level of UV radiation that these meets exceed what is needed in order to kill Corona viruses. We have this UV tester here, and as you can see the level that is needed in order to disinfect and kill Corona viruses is much lower than the level that the Robot operates on. Corona virus and other viruses and bacteria actually being disintegrated by the UV radiation when they receive more than 25 millijoules per centimeter squared. This robot what actually emits more than 100 millijoules per centimeter square, which is more than four times than what's needed in order to kill Corona viruses, especially now.

Now, the important thing about this robot is that it's designed to disinfect surfaces. There are many solutions out there that are using foggers that use chemicals that are not healthy in the long term, not for the individuals that disinfected the place, and, as an accumulated base for people that actually need to touch the surface as that were disinfected with this material.

We have other solutions that are being plugged into the AC system that even UV systems that are plugged into the AC system, but the thing is that it's actually disinfects just the air that's coming out from the from the AC system. It doesn't disinfect surfaces and whatever is lying on the surfaces. This is something important because this robot is actually being used in hospitals, is being used in operating rooms for many, many years. And these are places that need to be steroid a hundred percent clean, hundred percent disinfected, and this robot is just going there between patients between operations and just disinfect everything. I can tell you from experience, we run it to here at the office and just in our meetings room and other rooms.

Once you turn this robot on you start to smell the, the smell of all kinds of like skin that burns out and all the leftovers of hair that falls from people. And this is something very, very powerful because we don't see that. We couldn't see that we couldn't get to that level with any other product. That's why we are so excited about this robot.

Now, this robot ha has been tested numerous, numerous times including with COVID-19. We have all the studies done by prominent researchers, universities, and even health professionals. In Europe it's been deployed in more than 200 hospitals, routinely disinfecting their environments. If it's good for operating system in a hospital, it's good for you. There is no question about that.

In these studies, we can actually see that the robots are disinfecting to the level of three nines; basically 99.9% of the viruses and bacteria that are on the surface are being eliminated.

And this was tested over and over again. The robot can disinfect 130,000 square foot in two hours on a single charge. So, you don't need to charge it. when it needs to be charged, It, has its own charging duct, it can go back and charge itself to get more power for the next round so it can run overnight. And these can run across a whole facility 130,000 square foot.

And the most important thing is that this robot is safe. When I say safe. I meant it’s safe for us. It has sensors that if it detects a human or any other motion around the robot while the lights are on, it will automatically shut the lights. If the robot navigating to a room that has some hanging areas, the sensors will pick it up and it will be able to stop the robot.

We can actually create red areas, or like blocked areas on the digital map that we create when we map the environment.

So, these are areas that the robot should not go to for example, down the stairs, right? We don't want this robot to go there. And this robot, the UV robot is the best of breed right now. There is nothing better than that. We tested everything. We never managed to get to the level that we see 100 millijoules per centimeter squared. This is way more than what needed in order to kill Corona viruses.

I want to show you how it works. Basically, the operator can just use the tablet, which is part of the control panel for the robot and on the tablet. The operator will have to go through a checklist. There only always being cleaned, there are no obstacles, no one in the room and so on. And when we are ready, we need to press the flashing button on the robot and leave the room. And this is something that is very important because we actually don't want to be in the room. So, I'm gone.

The way that it works in each tube, we have a mixture of rare gases including orgone and the other gases that when they are being excited by electricity, they emit UV light ultraviolet radiation. And this light, this radiation is what breaks the cells or the RA actually of the viruses, and basically once they are broken, they are inactive anymore. They don't have DNA anymore, right? It's broken to pieces.

So, it can't duplicate, or replicate, it can't inject itself into ourselves. That's how it works. And all of that tends to this UV radiation that breaks any organic material. And we know that. If we go out to the to the beach right now without sunscreen, then we get a sunburn. If we leave clothes hanging out there, we'll have these heavy sunburn marks on our shirts or whatnot. And this is exactly what UV does. The UV just breaks any organic material, and we wanted to break bacteria and viruses.

And here I am back here, I absolutely don't want to be next to the robot when it’s disinfecting. And as you can see, this is successful. And you have to smell this room; it smells, really, really bad like burnt thing. And that's the important thing here, because we couldn't see that in any other product. This is something that can actually clean and disinfects. In fact, this is the most important thing here.

These robots are available. There are here in the U.S as you can see, they are actively cleaning and disinfecting hospitals, malls, schools, universities and they are available for you. There is a long list. I urge you to go on the list as quickly as possible because the demand is very, very high.

However, this is the best of breed. This is the Ferrari or the park off of the disinfection. And you want that as part of your tools in order to ensure that your facility; may it be a school or university a mall, a store, you name it, is safe for your employees, for your students, for your visitors, for your coworkers.

We want everyone to go back to work. We want everyone to go back to school. You want to get back to normal lives. And this is one of the best tools that you have that can actually help you achieve that and do that safely.

Thank you for watching this video. If you need more information, please email us at sales@RobotLAB.com or call our office. We are here for you almost 24/7. We will help you. We'll guide you through that. We'll train you. We'll help you install that in your environment, map your environment, that you are not alone. This is not something that we want just to send your way and wish you good luck. We are here to make sure that you are successful in your mission.

Until the next time, stay safe, subscribe if you want to hear more of these great materials. I appreciate your time. Thank you for all the hard work that you're doing. Thank you.


Discover more about the UVD Disinfection Robot with RobotLAB! 

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UVD Disinfection Robot

  • Jan 13, 2021 10:00:00 AM

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