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Back to school 2021/2022: predictions and expectations

By Acer Education

paul-siewert-U28iCOx-rUc-unsplash-1Photo by Paul Siewert on Unsplash

A new academic year is beginning soon. While the global pandemic seems to have become more manageable at the time of writing, this back-to-school season won’t certainly be like any other. Let’s take a closer look at some predictions, expectations, and considerations for the 2021/2022 school year.

With almost two years in a row of unusual learning, this Autumn will probably feel like a breath of fresh air. All things considered, teachers, students, and administrators will most likely get familiar with a new normal rather than returning to a long-awaited back to normal. And this doesn’t necessarily mean bad news.

Technology has surely allowed schools and teachers to overcome several challenges of the remote learning scenario. Plus, it has proven to be particularly effective in supporting students during such a challenging period. The demand for digital classrooms significantly increased in the past year, setting in motion a major revolution in the educational landscape. The “age of remote learning” taught us several valuable lessons we mustn’t forget as we approach the new academic year. 

Technology-led learning will remain

Remote learning has elevated digital literacy among teachers to unprecedented levels. It also has motivated educators to explore new creative ways and approaches to make sure learning could continue remotely. That’s why when returning back to the physical classroom, it’s important to remember how much digital tools can enhance learning and teaching. 

The 2021/2022 academic year offers a great opportunity. Teachers will be able to channel what they have learned into this new adventure, getting the best of both worlds, remote learning and in-person together. 

For starters, blended and hybrid learning is definitely here to stay. As regards the first one, integrating digital elements into everyday classes will surely provide a refined engaging experience for students. On the other hand, hybrid and hy-flex learning will offer a great opportunity to simultaneously explore the opportunities offered by EdTech tools for both students attending in the classroom and those participating from home. 

Best of all, students love engaging with technology while dealing with classroom tasks, and EdTech tools are proven to enhance learning retention greatly. In fact, research shows that young learners who use educational technology outperform those who learn the same content without tech. Moreover, digital tools also allowed several students to learn at their own pace and according to their learning style, which is a great plus. 

These considerations should be taken into account by decision-makers and principals. Teachers and students need to be equipped with the proper technology to shine at their best. EdTech will continue to offer more and more opportunities schools shouldn’t sleep on.

How will students cope with back-to-school?

While discussing expectations and objectives for the new academic year, we must point out that we are speaking generally. It’s important to keep in mind that every situation has its own singularities and challenges, and this is more true than ever when it comes to students.

Every learner has dealt with remote learning differently. Pupils’ mental well-being is a key aspect to consider because for almost two years many of them haven’t been able to interact with teachers or peers in the way they used to. Some haven’t even ever had the chance to in the first place. 

What’s more, learning loss is another crucial aspect to keep an eye on. Even though several students thrived remotely or in blended scenarios, others fell far behind. At this point, researchers are questioning the traditional grade-level grouping for this very reason. There are way too many factors to keep in mind, from social aspects to economic wealth, from cultural differences to specific learning necessities. 

Although education has continued remotely, the long-term results of the most challenging period in education’s history are still to be fully explored. The new academic year will serve as a proving ground for this challenge. 

As of now, we at Acer for Education wish all the best to all the students, teachers, and school personnel returning to their institutes for a fresh, exciting, and promising new start.

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  • Aug 25, 2021 10:00:00 AM