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7 Valuable Roles for STEM Teacher Leaders

I’m passionate about teacher leadership. I deeply believe that well-informed and skilled teacher leaders are the most valuable assets we have in our schools, districts, and states.

STEM teacher Leader

In the STEM education arena, teacher leaders are particularly crucial. All STEM teachers can be classroom leaders, but every school and district needs to invest time and resources into developing STEM Teacher Leaders (STLs – an acronym I just concocted) to take on additional roles and responsibilities.

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Elementary Engineering: An Early Start on STEM

America’s Got Talent!, acclaims a popular TV show – and it goes on to spotlight an assortment of talented performing artists (and a few who should probably consider other paths). But does America have STEM talent? Of course! We have STEM talent aplenty, but are we taking full advantage of it? Are we good at unearthing this valuable human resource?


Many leaders say “no” and point out that in our own American universities, more foreign students graduate in STEM fields than do American students. Where are our talented, capable students? Our nation’s workforce needs innovative STEM workers as fast as we can produce them.

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9 Ways Parents Can Support STEM Habits

Kids develop STEM habits in the classroom, but they spend most of their time outside of school. That’s where parents and other adults can help to inspire, support, and continue their children’s STEM learning.

That means that parents must also know what STEM is and have a toolkit of ideas for helping their kids.

Parent and Kids

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Pepper Robot as a Teaching Tool for Libraries.

Bob Kuntz  Director of Operations and Innovation and Jennifer Bishop Online Services and Emerging Technologies Supervisor at Carroll County Public Library (CCPL) are using Pepper Robot as a teaching tool. Through Pepper Robot, they are introducing the community to practical applications for robots as well as showing them an engaging way to teach coding to youth and adults. Bob and Jennifer shared with RobotLAB the positive experience of having Pepper in the library. These are their thoughts. 

Pepper 1 Pepper 2-1

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Plan Now for STEM Learning Next Year

Take a deep breath – this school year is drawing to an end. Everything so far has gone exactly as planned, and your classes have been examples of perfectly executed STEM lessons and totally cooperative students.

Or . . . maybe not?


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10 Benefits of Coding that Have Nothing to Do with Coding

Coding is not just about learning a programming language and how to write lines of code. There are so many benefits of coding that support the development of a well-rounded student.

Here are 10 benefits of coding that have nothing to do with coding:

Coding 1

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What is the difference between AR and VR?

Augmented reality and virtual reality are two ways of changing the way we view the world through the use of technology. Sometimes people think that AR and VR are the same. In this article, we will explain the difference between the two technologies due to the increased use of them. 


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10 Mistakes To Avoid In Your STEM Classroom

There is more than one way to design a STEM classroom. From storage to seating, every stem classroom is different. With that said, there are several mistakes an educator can make when managing their STEM classroom that can make STEM activities less effective and fun. To create an engaging and positive collaboration environment, here are 10 mistakes to avoid in your STEM classroom.


By Sonja Jacobson

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What makes a Good STEM/STEAM Toy?

Having probed parents for their feelings on STEM/STEAM, we now turn to toy experts for their perspectives on what makes a good STEM/STEAM toy.


This section consists of input from a survey in which 67 Toy Association members and toy experts participated. This was followed with 26 in-depth phone interviews along with insights gathered from two expert panels hosted at both the 2019 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) and at the 116th annual North American International Toy Fair.

Based on the above input, the Toy Association identified 14 unifying characteristics of STEM/STEAM toys, including 2 mandatory and 12 strengthening, all of which are detailed below.

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Parental perspectives about STEM careers and the role of toys in helping their kids master these concepts

Parents are the gatekeepers of toys for their kids, especially for younger children. Their attitudes and appreciation of toys and play are paramount to providing kids with playful opportunities to grow, learn, and explore their ever-changing world.


The Toy Association asked parents to share their understanding and insights about how science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics skills relate to toys, play, and their children. Here’s a summary of what was revealed by investigating the thoughts, fears, and beliefs of 2,000 parents.

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