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Pursuing Education to Score a Robotics Career in Government

By Devin Partida


Because of today’s advanced technology, robots are the next big thing. Robots can help streamline processes and reduce human error, and a job in robotics can offer plenty of growth and a competitive salary.

If you are a robotics or STEM educator, here are some steps for helping students in their robotics career journey — especially if your students are interested in pursuing a robotics career within the government.

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How to Start a Robotics Club in Your School

By Carla Jose

Image Source: Pexels

So you’ve got a passion for robotics and you want to share it with your classmates? Or perhaps you’re an educator and you’re eager to introduce students to this rapidly expanding part of the tech sector. In either case, starting a club dedicated to the topic of robotics, including theoretical discussions as well as practical experiments, is a great way to fulfill your ambitions. So what’s the best way to go about this? Let’s look at the steps you’ll need to take.

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California ranking dead last in public education spending is over thanks to the 2022-23 state budget

Senator Nancy Skinner Representing Senate District 9

Dear Constituent:

Good news: California ranking dead last in public education spending is over. Thanks to the 2022-23 state budget signed by Gov. Newsom last week, California could jump into the top 10 states nationwide for per pupil spending.

For some perspective on how far we've come, as recently as 2011, California ranked 50th nationwide for per pupil spending on K-12 public schools. By last year, thanks to our voter-approved progressive tax system and responsible budgeting during the past decade, California had climbed to 19th.

The 2022-23 state budget increases K-12 public education funding by a record 13% over last year, with the allocation for public K-12 schools and community colleges increasing by a record $37.2 billion. That's nearly triple the funding K-12 schools received in 2011. And each of our UC and CSU campuses will receive a 5% increase.

Over the coming weeks, I will send you additional e-newsletters highlighting major aspects of this year's historic 2022-23 state budget.

K-12 Education Budget Highlights

  • Provides a record funding increase of 13% for all K-12 public schools.

  • Protects school districts suffering from declining enrollment by providing funding based on the average of three prior years' average daily attendance

  • Provides $4 billion to allow schools to add three hours of after-school programming and six weeks of summer enrichment.  

  • Includes funding for the Learning Recovery Emergency Block Grant to support tutoring, mental health, social-emotional support and other learning recovery programs.

  • Provides $3.6 billion for the Arts, Music, and Instructional Materials Discretionary Block Grants to fund arts, music, instructional materials, and multi-lingual school library books.

  • Funds a total of $4.2 billion for school construction through 2025, including $1.3 billion in state bonds and $2.9 billion from the state's general fund in 2023-24 and 2024-25.

  • Provides a record funding increase of $637 million for home-to-school transportation.

  • Includes $100 million for California's universal free school meals program to purchase sustainably grown, healthy foods, plus $600 million to upgrade school kitchens.


Higher Education Budget Highlights

  • Increases funding for all University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) campuses by 5%.

  • Increases CA Community College (CCC) funding by $600 million, along with a COLA increase, and provides $650 million for additional instruction to close pandemic learning gaps and investments to close the digital divide.

  • Provides an additional $2 billion for student housing projects at UC, CSU, and CCC campuses — bringing the total amount of student housing funding to $4 billion through 2024-25.

  • Increases funding for the Middle Class Scholarship program and Cal Grants to provide access to Cal Grants for 150,000 additional students.

  • Provides unprecedented funding support for underrepresented students, including formerly incarcerated students.

As chair of the Senate's Budget and Fiscal Review Committee, it was my honor to work on this year's transformative budget. Please be on the look-out for future e-newsletters from me regarding other major aspects of the historic 2022-23 state budget.

It is a privilege serving as your state Senator.



Nancy Skinner
State Senator, District 

P.S. You can follow me on Facebook and Twitter for more updates from the Capitol and throughout Senate District 9.


California Educators you can apply for funding! 

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How Educators and Millennial Parents Are Tackling EdTech Together

By Dan Matthews

pexels-julia-m-cameron-4145354-1Photo by Julia M Cameron: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-woman-tutoring-young-boy-4145354/ 

Let’s face it: Ours is truly the great age of technology. And while many parents may want their children to enjoy the simple innocence of childhood, free of the risks that an overreliance on tech can yield, the simple truth is that technology isn’t just a staple in the lives of children today, but it’s also inevitably going to form the cornerstone of their future success.

In other words, there’s just no denying the central importance of technology in the lives of children today. Millennial parents, however, understand perhaps better than most that this is by no means a necessarily bad thing. As the first generation of digital natives, millennials understand what it means to grow up with a device in your hands.

Best of all, they understand the unique power of technology as a learning tool. It is for this reason that millennial parents and educators are increasingly forging a potent alliance for the use of technology in education.

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6 Educational Grants That Could Let You Bring Robotics Into the Classroom

By Carla Jose

Image Source: Pexels

Robotics isn’t just a technology that’s suitable for manufacturing and other major industries; it also has applications in an education context. Of course robotics systems are not always affordable for the average school, college or university. So what grants and support schemes are out there which could bring high end systems within reach of average institutions?

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Hard & Soft Skills That Can Improve Your Robotics Education

By Devin Partida


There has never been a better time to pursue a career in robotics. The industry continues to grow every year in both value and size. To compete today, aspiring robotics engineers and professionals must have a comprehensive skill set. These hard and soft skills will improve your robotics education and help set you up for success in the robotics industry

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The Future Is Here: How Artificial Intelligence Can Improve Your Studies

By IvyPanda


Artificial intelligence has had an enormous impact on many aspects of our lives, including education. Even UNSECO has acknowledged it! In 2019, they’ve created the Beijing Consensus on Artificial Intelligence and Education, which includes recommendations on using such software in classrooms. As you can see, AI is here to stay.

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The Future of Medical Education Relies on AI & Robotics

By Devin Partida

Meet Pepper, Humber River Hospital's Humanoid Robot | HRH Foundation

Medical education is not something obtained easily or quickly. Traditional medical education requires a four-year undergraduate program, a four-year graduate program in medical school, and a residency that can take anywhere from three to seven years, not to mention the tests necessary to practice medicine in the state they live in. Everything from basic treatments to delicate surgeries requires practice.

While some of these procedures can be practiced on cadavers or dummies, the best education comes from hands-on experience. However, these experiences aren’t always available. How can we ensure the next generation of medical professionals has the training and education to care for future patients? What role will artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics play in the future of medical education?

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5 Innovative Skills Children Get With Robotics

By Nancy Howard


Robotics is already used by schools all around the world. Machines such as RobotLAB’s Pepper Robot are the primary examples of what robotics ideally looks like in practice and how it can be applied in different activities.

Indeed, children find robots interesting and programming them entertaining. Robot kits like Lego Mindstorms have become popular precisely for those reasons. But why exactly should children be taught robotics? Here are the five innovative skills children can get with robotics.

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VR Expeditions 2.0 is The 2022 Cool Tool Winner by The EdTech Awards Under the AR/VR Solution Category!





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RobotLAB is so excited to announce that the VR Expeditions 2.0 app is the Cool Tool 2022 winner by the EdTech Awards under the AR/VR solution category!

RobotLAB VR Expeditions 2.0™ is inspired by the great work Google did, and following feedback from thousands of educators, RobotLAB created a VR tool tailored to educators’ needs. 

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