Use the NAO Robot for your special Ed program to provide a bridge for children on the autism spectrum from isolation to greater social and academic engagement.
The pack includes:
Price: $18,999
For US Customers price is $ 20,980 (including import-from-China tariffs.)Fully-programmable humanoid robot for special ed
23 inches
HD Cameras, tactile sensors, position sensors, microphones, force sensitive resistors, sonar
Drag&Drop, C++, Python, Java
Social Skills, Body Cognition, Pragmatic Language, Behavioral Techniques, Learning Readiness
1 NAO robot, 1 Charger, 1 Battery, 1 Docking Station, 1 tablet, 1 laptop, 1 software license, 1 WiFi Router, 1 printed curriculum and 1 Transport Case
Mobile robot
1 robot per student
Special Ed, Autism
K to 10
Covering Learning Readiness and Social Skills
Training included
2-years warranty
The NAO Special Ed Pack is a comprehensive solution designed to assist teachers and childcare workers in the support of autistic children. It's a solution that includes the robot NAO, the Special Ed NAO Software, and a range of fun and educational activities and applications are specially written to meet the needs of autistic children.
Today, NAO is the most used humanoid robot worldwide. It has become a standard in research, STEM education, and Special Ed.
It is equipped with many sensors: Tactile Sensors, Ultrasonic sensors, a Gyro, An Accelerometer, Force Sensors, Infrared sensors, 2 HD Cameras, 4 Microphones, and high accuracy digital encoders on each joint.
Originally designed to help teach autistic children, NAO is a fully-featured and friendly-looking robot that can walk, speak multiple languages, recognize a human face, detect objects, dance, and talk to humans. |
NAO has qualities that are extremely well-adapted to the context of special education: he is engaging, predictable, tireless, but also multi-interactive.
NAO is a humanoid technological interface that naturally attracts children. He helps to create communication bridges between the child and the people around him. He is easy to interpret, helps to reduce the children's anxiety, and minimizes the risks of over-stimulation.
NAO offers constant encouragement and never tires of repeating instructions. This helps to win the child's trust who will be happy to pursue his efforts. Whether through touch, voice, or vision, NAO also offers an extremely wide range of possible interactions.
Benefits for the Student
Benefits for the School
WOZ Software by Movia Robotics is an easy-to-use, highly customizable framework for providing therapeutic activities and academic content to special needs students. Even with no prior knowledge in software or robotics, the interface enables users to easily take control of the robot and send commend the robot easily and at any time.
The software enables robots to interact with and engage children with special needs, particularly Autism, as well as typically developing children. The WOZ Teacher’s Aid system ensures simple, consistent lesson delivery in a turnkey solution. The dynamic system is able to meet the day-to-day needs of students and lead them through educational activities.
The software includes three main modules:
Each lesson can be customized to meet the cognitive level as well as the participation level of the child. To ensure that the software is easy to use it has been designed in collaboration with teachers and therapists. Our system provides a base for interaction, communication, and collaboration. It provides activities that promote social and cognitive engagement. It facilitates a positive learning environment by dynamically leading children through activities using evidence-based prompting and instructional design.
All lessons have been created by certified specialists who have hands-on experience teaching children on the autism spectrum. Specifically, the lessons are designed to give a well-rounded capability to the teachers and therapists serving the special needs community. Each lesson helps with social skills, learning readiness, pragmatic communication, and/or academics and skills for daily living.
The curriculum supports the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) principles. Each activity can be personalized based on the learning goals, motivations, and individual personality of each child. An example of the available lessons in the curriculum includes: Working in a group, Staying focused, Listening, Sharing ideas, What to do during a fire drill, How to ask for a break from the group appropriately, How to stay focused when Nervous, Listening for Meaning (academic, etc.), What specific ideas are not appropriate to share and when, Lockdown drill, Reading keywords in a text to follow directions (academic), Following directions, Recognizing emotions, Saying Hello and Goodbye, Simple prepositions, etc.
All curriculum content comes with a curriculum guide that details the lessons and the expected outcomes.
Price: $18,999
For US Customers price is $ 20,980 (including import-from-China tariffs.)Price: $18,999
For US Customers price is $ 20,980 (including import-from-China tariffs.)